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Snorlax eats n00bs!!
Do you guys think Blastoise is a respectable tank, even against teams using OU Pokemon? I at least think so, especially with mirror coat... ;009;



I am the game
You will be better off with blissey.But, blastoise might make a good tank.


^^Pure Genius

I would use Counter in OU...anyway as far as Blastoise goes there are so many better water pokes to choose from...


Snorlax eats n00bs!!
I don't know about waffles, maybe bagels?

anyways, I was gonna make a blissey, but I don't feel like making Skarmory to go along with it because of its pitiful defense, so I just wanted to see what others thought about it...


Knight of Oblivion
Blissey has almost godly defences....

on the other hand, Blastoise has decent defences and good offensive capabilities (better than blissey)

choose Blastoise


Nothing to be done
As long as Blastoise is being compared to Blissey, I'd like to point out that he has the benefit of balance. Blissey may be rocking the high HP and Special Defence, but all its other Stats, EVs or not, are still pitiful. Blastoise, on the other hand, still has incredibly high defences, but can naturally whether physical blows, and is actually capable of doing damage with attacks other than Seismic Toss.


Sic Transit Gloria
Blastoise is a great tank. Pretty much EVERYBODY uses Blissey but come on, do you really want to use Blissey? Use Blastoise, he looks cooler, and most people are stupid enough to hit it with a Thunderbolt from Starmie or a Leaf Blade from Sceptile. You'll kill them all with Mirror Coat, Blastoise can take the hit and recover with leftovers or Rest.
Yeah, in all respects, Blastoise is alright, I personally never bothered to use one, but I've heard about it


Toon link
blastoise is a good tank ...but i'll raver use a blissey because blissey is a more of a tank then blastiose it has high hp an blastoise has low i'd pick blissey an teach it toxic..better


Bullet Punch
It is a starter pokemon, so using it together with Charizard or Venusaur would be cheap. As a tank, he could do quite well.



Dead Man Illusion
Blissey, tanks and crap. BLASTOISE IS THE(intonation) POKEMON, I LOVE HIM 2 MUCH. He can cope with anything


Blaziken rules!

I think that he can't withstand a whole team, but it does depend on the level.


Milotic is a much better tank than Blastoise imo because it gets Marvel Scale. And that titanic SDef and solid SAtk. I can win entire games with Milotic but I doubt anyone could with Blastoise.


Eevee Trainer
Use what you feel comfortable with- Blastoise is an old favorite, and a lot more people are using Blissey than him, but if Blissey doesn't help out the rest of your team, than you should stick with one that does.


Well-Known Member
"Using Blissey, make you a girl if your boy", that what some one said. but it's true?


Well-Known Member
I think its pretty good and "can" be a good tank


Blissey is also a much better tank than Blastoise for several reasons.

Blastoise has two special weaknesses.
Blissey has none.

Blissey is almost always (or should always even) be used with Max HP and a good ton of defense. Even great physical attackers won't OHKO that. And if it's Counter, gg to your sweeper.

Blastoise however has no physical weaknesses, but again Milotic is better for that.


Infinity's got 23
Blastoise has two special weaknesses.
Blissey has none.

Blissey is almost always (or should always even) be used with Max HP and a good ton of defense. Even great physical attackers won't OHKO that. And if it's Counter, gg to your sweeper.

a) Why the **** would you be using a special attack against Blissey anyways? That's about the farthest stretch of retarded I've heard all day... albeit, it's only 8.

b) Either use a weaker move then a stronger move to KO Blissey, or just use a second Pokemon. If it only lasts 2 turns, why the hell would anyone call Blissey a tank? And I'd like to see it counter a sub-puncher. Blissey is just such a rediculously easy Pokemon to take down, tank is just a retarded title for it. Same thing with Steelix. "OH YEAH I GOT GOOD SP DEF BUT **** DEFENSE, no wai, u switched poke, thats cheatin" Same thing with Steelix, only switch Def with Sp Def. I only say Steelix cause that always seems to be attributed to being the Physical Wall.