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Well-Known Member
Does anyone have a list of all the flags that smeargle can create for you?

Caterpie Master

Oh My! Noodlesoup!
Uhmm...there's a Spinda and Poliwag one too..
I don't know the others, sorry:(


Water Pokemon Master
There's a purple,a pokeball...I forgot the rest


Well-Known Member
The ones I've seen are:

your first flag
a skull flag (looks like duskull or dusclops)
ditto flag
wobbuffet flag
a spin switch flag
spinda flag
a pokeball with a blue background
a white pokeball with a blue background
a checkered flag
smoochum flag
xatu flag
I think there's a swalot flag (it looks weird)
diglett flag
staryu flag with a waves background
luvdisc flag
mankey flag

I'm pretty sure those are in order.
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fredfredburger yes!
well i got a hilarious ditto flag!
redblueyellow, I think that's the same order I got them in.


I wanted ketchup!!!
I dont know mostly any


Well-Known Member
Is there an order in which they go through? (Like a cycle)
Or is it random?