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I am Matthew Blayden, A.K.A DarkMatt A.K.A SoulWorage. And since I don't know where to start, I decided to start here. I am hoping I can enjoy my stay here!


So what's the mission briefing sir/madam?!


I won't give up!
Hello! Enjoy your time at SPPf! But read the rules.


-swampert used gasp!
your mission agent soulworage717,if you choose to accept it,is to have fun on serebiiforums,abide by the rules,and to pm me if your bored or just wanna friend. :) *this message will self destruct in 5 seconds...* *cue mission impossible music*

Hyper Shadow

Well-Known Member
Welcome! have a great time on serebii.


Queen of Charizards!
Welcome, have fun, PM me if you want to be friends.