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I'm playing my Sapphire version. I'm making a battle tower team. I have this.

Lv50 Starmie@Leftovers
Quiet Nature
252 S.Atk/252 Spd/4 HP

Lv.50 Medicham@Choice Band
Adamant Nature
252 Atk/252 Spd/4 HP
Shadow Ball, Hi Jump Kick, Return, Fake Out

What else should I use?

Preferably a walling pokemon since the two above are frail as hell. No Salamence. Also I can't get Metagross.

Should I replace Medicham? If so, what do I replace it with?

I have..
-Not many TM's.

Also I have access to Blissey, but the only moves I can get for it are the screens, the beam attacks, softboiled, toxic, aromatherapy and sing.
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frontier champion

Well-Known Member
I don't remember if you can use a third pokemon because I haven't played R/S since 2005 but you should a Tank to your team like Registeel, Metagross or Slaking. I'll look up the natures in a few minutes to see what fit those pokemon.


Too bad Metagross/Regis are at level 100 and they can't be downgraded to lv50. xp



Dusclops @Leftovers
EVs: 252 HP / 96 Atk / 104 Def / 56 SDef
Careful Nature
-Shadow Ball
-Seismic Toss

Medicham is awesome. No need to replace it.


SToss is unobtainable in Sapphire. Night Shade is the only available -100 damage move I have.


I'm thinking of

Your nature, item, ev's, and....

Night Shade, Will-O-Wisp, Rest, Ice Beam/Confuse Ray.

Actually, I'm thinking Weezing may be better here.

Frost Nova

The predator awaits.
So would you like a Weezing moveset then?

Impish / Relaxed Nature
- Will-o-wisp
- Sludge Bomb
- Shadow Ball / Fire Blast / Flamethrower
- Pain Split / Rest

The fire moves are there to counter Steel types who would otherwise wall the hell out of you. Pain Split / Rest are both fine, but if you only have Sapphire Rest is the prefered option. Shadow Ball's for ghost types, but don't try to counter psychics with it. Weezing needs the lefties more btw: give Starmie a Shell Bell or Lum Berry instead.


My new team is..

Medicham@Choice Band
Adamant Nature
Ev's: 252 Atk / 252 Spd / 4 HP
- Shadow Ball
- Hi Jump Kick
- Return
- Fake Out

Starmie@Shell Bell
Quiet Nature
Ev's: 252 S.Atk / 252 Spd / 4 HP
- Surf
- Psychic
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Beam

Relaxed Nature
Ev's: 196 HP / 52 Atk / 204 Def / 56 S.Atk
- Will-o-wisp
- Sludge Bomb
- Flamethrower
- Rest


so adorable...
How about a Absol. If you could make it learn Perish Song, Thunder, Ravor Wind, and Future Sight. Make it hold Black Glasses.

that set is bad. absol is a physical attacker

-swords dance
-rock slide

thats a random set off the top of my head i dont even know if it learns all those attacks =P



A physical attacker isn’t the best way to go either.
Absol is a Baton Passer:

Absol @Leftovers
Jolly Nature
-Swords Dance
-Baton Pass
-Shadow Ball
-Taunt/Aerial Ace

Anyways, don’t even suggest Absol. It has weak defenses and has no place on that team.


Contestshipper 4ever
True. I only thought about Absol was because I was thinking dark pokemon might be a good chance. Wait, a Magcargo! No thats a bad offensive pokemon. How about:

Glalie @ Nevermeltice
Modest Nature
Ice Beam



Glalie is a pretty crappy choice as well. Seriously, no need to suggest anymore Pokémon. He’s already made his decision.


Yeah, seriously.

I'm a little worried about missing when I really need to hurt something, SapphireL. Though FB is a lot cheaper 5500>80000 xd.

Flamethrower is weaker but more accurate. I could see Lati@s tear up my whole team limb from limb.


Eh, I can't get a Lv50 Regice.

Clops seems fine I guess, though Starmie Ice Beam probably 2hkos Lati@s anyways....

Cham OHKO's the Latis with Shadow Ball.

Weez dies.

Frost Nova

The predator awaits.
You're right. Truth is, your suggestions suck. Why?

#1. Putting two offensive moves of the same types is stupid and redundant.

#2. Leftovers, Choice Band, Lum and pinch berries, even Shell Bell are much more useful than crappy 10% boost items.

And by the looks of your suggestions your real team wouldn't be that good either.