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Boulder Trainer
Now I have a big problem.

Okay, I need a Flygon with earthquake, but i already taught it to my Aggron (Male). Is there a certain breeding line that i can follow to get a trapinch with earthquake?

Any and all help will be appreciated.


[Insert Wacky Title]
I looked it up on Serebii. It should work if you bred Aggron with Tropius, then Tropius with Paras/Parasect, then Paras/Parasect with Flygon.

That's based on the Egg-groups anyways, Aggron is in the Monster group, Tropius is both Monster and Plant, and Paras/Parasect is Plant and Bug. Flygon is in the Bug group.

Do you have the ability to trade from FR/LG to whichever version you're using?
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I looked it up on Serebii. It should work if you bred Aggron with Tropius, then Tropius with Paras/Parasect, then Paras/Parasect with Flygon.

That's based on the Egg-groups anyways, Tropius is both Monster and Plant, and Paras/Parasect is Bug and Plant. Flygon is in the Bug group.
except the part where Para[sect] can't learn Earthquake. anyways, I don't think you can breed Earthquake onto Trapinch.


I'm ChunkyBob <RSPCT
nope you can't, which is s*** btw doesn't aggron learn it when you level it up?

flygon isn't that great anyway...


I'm ChunkyBob <RSPCT
yeah I just checked netbattle program, but I reckon it would have been better on flygon (if you really have to use it *cringes) because at least it gets stab, probably the only good point to using it as a CB is earthquake


<-- Solves any case!
If you have emerald try pick-up.
If you dont have any tradeability then your only option is raising a pokemon with the pickup ability (meowth,phanphy,zigzagoon,linoon,teddiursa,aipom) you will have to raise it to lv 90 - 100 and it will have a 10% chance of getting an item after every battle you win if they are in the team. and everytime you get a pickup I think its a 10% chance of it being EQ. ;123;


<-- Solves any case!
the pickup ability does work, if you want the other pokemons item.

If you want the other pokemons item you have to use compoundeyes and thief.

Shiny Bashamo

Isn't it cute ^^
if you have a copy of emerald or a friend of you have a copy of emerald and still as the EQ TM then you/he will be able to copy the TM, and then you trade to your game. and you'll have another EQ TM.
