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quick question

Team Elecwater

shocking isnt it
is it possible to find a shiny pokemon in xd or colosseum?


Well-Known Member
I think so.


Yes but the chances are still the same
Yes, you can, I once encountered Gonzap's shadow Skarmory, but she was a shiny, but my >_<Suicune >_< killed it, I'm still angry about that


yes that is where i got my shiny meditite


*** breath
and with the eight and hopefully last YES YOU CAN!
a mod might come along and close this


Well-Known Member
Wait does anyone have a shiny lugia from XD? cause if you do can you answer this question. When you catch Lugia can you tell if its shiny or not or do you have to purify it first?
Now second question, in coloseum when you battle the legendary dogs can you tell if they are shiny before you purify them?


Wait does anyone have a shiny lugia from XD? cause if you do can you answer this question. When you catch Lugia can you tell if its shiny or not or do you have to purify it first?
Now second question, in coloseum when you battle the legendary dogs can you tell if they are shiny before you purify them?
You have to purify Lugia first.

However, you do NOT have to purify any other Pokemon to tell if it's shiny. You'll be able to tell through a different mugshot and because of orbs flying around it.