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Shiny evolution

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Well-Known Member
Say I were to catch a shiny pokemon in its basic evolutionary form(we will say Pidgey just for kicks). If I let Pidgey evolve, will it then become a shiny Pidgeotto, or is there a chance that the 'shininess' wont evolve along with it, and itll just be a normal Pidgeotto?

No, I dont have a shiny Pidgey, Im just asking.

Thanks a bunch!


Shadow Amongst Light
Say I were to catch a shiny pokemon in its basic evolutionary form(we will say Pidgey just for kicks). If I let Pidgey evolve, will it then become a shiny Pidgeotto, or is there a chance that the 'shininess' wont evolve along with it, and itll just be a normal Pidgeotto?

No, I dont have a shiny Pidgey, Im just asking.

Thanks a bunch!

The shiny always stays shiny.... you can't change its shinieness
Yes it will keep its shineyness.

But i just thought of a question:

If you have a shiney nincada and evolve it you get a shiney ninjask but would the shedinja be shiney??? ;123;


Blaziken rules!
All shiny Pidgey's become shiny Pidgeotto's.


The new tuxedo look!
Once a shiny in hoenn , johto or kanto, always a shiny in hoenn, johto or kanto.

Shinyness can't change.

Bad Skitty

Caught em' all
Yes it will keep its shineyness.

But i just thought of a question:

If you have a shiney nincada and evolve it you get a shiney ninjask but would the shedinja be shiney??? ;123;

yes, you will this has been tried and tested. you will get two for the price of one. if you ever manage to get a shiny nincada that is.


Well-Known Member
No matter what you do, you won;t get a shiny poke to become non-shiny. MUHAHAHA there is no way.

^BTW I have a shiny crobat too.


oblivion weilder
and it makes sence, just think how would people get shiny metagrosses or charizrards


Well-Known Member
Thanks to everyones responses but pnoiboi. Thats what I thought, but I just wanted to make sure.

Since there is no way to make a shiny non shiny, then Im guessing a non0shiny pokemon cant ever become shiny after evolving( Pidgey becomes Shiny Pidgeotto)?


Gen 6 = <3
A shiny Pokemon will always be shiny during its evolution process and non-shiny pokemon will always be non-shiny. Incase you are wondering a shiny pokemon will not guarentee a shiny baby/ egg when breeding them. No matter what the chances will always remain 1 in 8192. There is also a shiny discussion thread you could have asked your question in and I am sure they would have been more than happy to answer you.


When my shiny ;042; evolves it will become a Shiny ;169; , I hope it evolves; then it will be my first crobat, Shiny no less.
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Also, my sister has a Shiny ;327; & her user name is ShineySpinda.
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Obsessive Beader/Mod
Please discuss/ask all shiny questions in the offical FAQ sticky:


Your question is also answered in there.

Desuta, please review the rules and do not double post. There is an EDIT button you can use to add something to a previous post.

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