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Active Member
Just wondering where the best place is to ev train speed. Seeming as on the main site it says the 'cave of origin' to kill zubats, yet it wont let me in there saying something about leaving it in peace.



I like mangos!
Altering cave works, sinces theres nothing BUT Zubats.


Veteran smartass
i train speed evs on the route 118 (east of mauvile city)
there are(all these give speed evs):
linoone 2ev
manectric 2ev
zigzagoon 1ev
electrike 1ev
wingull 1ev

and 1% chance of finding kecleon which gives sp.def =q


Active Member
Thanks for the help. I will go to that route and see.
You don't have to answer this but where is altering cave? :D
And OMFG at battle factory just got haxed 2 sheer colds hit.


Back I guess??
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Obsessive Beader/Mod
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