Okay this is an RPG where I've just posted the first bit and you lot just carry it on.
Just two rules: Don't ruin the story by saying stupid things, ruining the plot or saying "the end" ect. I will immedietly ban any idiots like this!
And write your post on Word or another document with spellcheck!!!
Also: This is set in 2006, now, so no dragons, robots, goblins, cavemen ect. This is a realistic story please people.
I felt cold. I shivered and fell to the floor, the darkness seemed to close in around me. I looked up to see my killer, standing smiling above me, smiling. His dark, evil eyes stared into mine. I filled with terror as again he lifted the gun and this time pointed it to my face.
"Please Gary, please no,"
I shreiked in terror as the bullet sped towards me, I felt pain, I felt emptyness and then I felt nothing.
A door creaked slightly, I glanced up from my desk and look around at the darkness, all that was alight was me and my desk.
"Hello?" I asked, trying to hide my fear, "Is anyone there?"
My answer was the wind seeping through the window cracks. I shruged and began to write again.
"Hello?" I asked again, almost shouting into the gloom in front of me, this time my answer was a deep sigh.
"Hello Doctor," said a cold voice, I recognized it as Ellenore's. She stepped into the light that surrounded my desk. She was a beautiful woman, her long blonde hair covered most of her face but one of her lushous green eyes was still visible. She stared at me with hate, I knew what she wanted, revenge.
"I see you've joined them now," I motioned calmly to the symbol that lay on her chest.
"Yes, I have joined them, they are a great organasation," her eyes flickered in the light as she stared again into mine, "they respect me Robert, they understand what I'm capable of."
"I always knew what you were capable of Ellie," I sighed lovingly, maybe my ex-wife's loving heart was still inside this beast's body trying to escape.
"Don't try that psychology crap with me!" she bellowed, thrusting her arm at me and knocking the lamp sideways and onto the floor.
Now only half her face was visible and she smiled in a hateful way,
"I did love you once," she said coldly, "but not anymore!"
Okay that's all I'm writing for now, I expect at least this kind of size writing in your posts!
This RPG was on my forum site but i decided to post it here aswell!
carry it on well please (this is a non pokemon fic!)
I am a retard looking a perma ban in the face if I don't pull my head out of my own arse and reading the ****ing rules for once before I post anywhere.
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