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Completing The Trio
you cannot use the pokeradar whilst fishing, you can only use it whilst in the grassy areas.

there are no easy ways/ or tips to catch shiny pokemon whilst fishing, sorry but its just down to luck


Completing The Trio
i know you cant use the pokeradar while fishing but you can find shinies while fising. right.

i wasn't talking to you i was talking to shervin, and yes of course you can catch shinies by fishing, i was just saying that there aren't really any tips


Completing The Trio
yeah you can catch shinies by fishing, but it does take a long time, you might be better off breeding for that shiny at the same time if possible


Completing The Trio
actually you can if you've got a ditto, any genderless pokes, including porygon, beldum and staryu can breed with ditto