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  1. Ragnarok4

    What is the strongest Pokémon in Journeys? (Forget the fact that lucario appears twice)

    Gengar : Vs Raichu ✓ Vs Electrode X Vs Lucario (Korrina) X Lucario : As Riolu vs Farfetch ✓ Vs Grapploct X Vs Octillery X Vs Tentacruel X Vs Flygon X Vs Grapploct -- As Lucario Vs Ferrothorn X Sirfertch'd : As Farfetch Vs Riolu X Vs Hawlucha X Vs Gurdurr ✓ Vs Gallade X (train with...
  2. Crybaby Sobble

    Are you upset with the lack of team chemistry in Ash's Team?

    Unlike the previous series and the others, we have not seen active interaction between Ash's team.Like say Gengar has literally appeared only three times since it's capture episode and also it is not seen interacting with Dragonite and the others.Dragonite too is not seen to interact with...
  3. canisaries


    Yo! It's time for another story in this rather loosely PMD world. This time we're in a completely different nook of the world, so don't worry if you haven't read Pletora's Story, as there are no crucial links between the two. Just like Pletora's Story, though, this'll be only a couple parts long...
  4. NebulaDreams

    The Curious and the Shiny (OLD VERSION) [The Manifold Curiosity]

    Hello again, it's been a few months since my last fic (Deli's Delivery Service) and I've been working on this one even before I started writing that fic, all the way back in November. I've been sitting on this project for a while and now I'm starting to get all of my chapters so far redrafted...