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  1. Umbramatic


    This one was another story originally written back in 2009, and as with all these I've been doing I've touched it up to fit my modern standards and ideas and **** but also. This one's special. It's the origin story of Iggy, one particular OC I don't always talk much about but has a very...
  2. Umbramatic


    Oh god this was also written in 2009. Have another original fiction oneshot from my seventeen-year-old self. It, remarkably, has no ties to any of my current projects, but I'm thinking of making it a kind of backstory to a super special secret upcoming one. It is also instrumental to my love of...
  3. Umbramatic


    This is a small part of a larger story set in a larger universe, specifically the backstory of one of the main characters in a high fantasy universe of mine. As a result, it will probably have that “part of a larger story” vibe to it, but I’ve tried to make it stand on its own as much as I can...
  4. deerest_love

    The Verdant Ones [Original]

    The Verdant Ones Ren occupies a coyote's body, but he's never felt like one. A young Coyote winced at the crunch of bone between his teeth, but at least the squirrel died quickly. Buckbrush and manzanita snagged on his fur as he retraced his steps through the sparse chaparral, trying not to...
  5. deliaketchum

    what if Pokemon exist in real World?

    Hi, I want to make a thread to see your imagination on transposing pokemon in real world. How would science, religion, politics, economy,culture etc would have impacted? what do you think? How would you use them in real life? 1. Like chikorita can be used for cutting vegetables if you are a...
  6. Umbramatic

    Reminders Of Home (Original Fiction, Drabble)

    So this is a bit of a weird one.. This was a drabble done for art class, with us being assigned to switch gears and write a poem or short story about another person's piece, and I was assigned this: Despite not having any writing energy in months I went feral churning out a drabble/scene for...
  7. SGMijumaru

    LIVE-A-LIVE: Trial of the Cursed Town

    Magnolia, a quiet detective and Azu, an excitable young scientist, reach the peak of their love for one another. But even in the face of true happiness, all is not as it should be. Soon after the duo settle on their honeymoon, a strange request calls them to investigate a sacred dungeon. Faced...
  8. lucarioknight56

    Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Twilit Destinies

    Created by @canisaries Two brothers--Arthus Zoroark and Matheus Lucario--grow in a region dominated by outlaws and gangs, each suffering losses in the dark world. Together, they rise up and vanquish the darkness, establishing a force for good in the region. All is well…until their inevitable...
  9. Wonderblue

    Another Fantasy RP (Sign Ups)

    The world is a complicated place. It's full of mystery, magic, and conflicts. Nothing is ever peaceful. If two nations aren't fighting each other, they're going at it amongst themselves. Monsters, magic, and various culture exist in this crazy universe known as Eldrin. This continent is one of...
  10. SGMijumaru

    Astral Genealogy [Pokémon Fanfiction]

    Astral Genealogy [Pokémon Fanfiction] Hi there everyone. I'm SGMijumaru - I doubt people have seen or heard of me elsewhere, but I'm practicing to be a writer with pokemon fanfics. I've been uploading on another site for a long while and decided to start sharing the goodies here for the extra...