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  1. Yggdrassal

    HA Trades

    HAs: All trades completed. I can breed these hidden ability pokemon in return: Applin- Bulletproof (Flapple- Hustle, Appletun- Thick Fat) Blipbug- Telepathy Bounsweet- Sweet Veil Bunnelby- Huge Power Caterpie- Run Away (Butterfree- Tinted Lens) Charmander- Solar Power Chewtle- Swift Swim...
  2. J

    Looking for Trade Evos, LGE exclusives & Omanyte

    Hello everyone, I am working on completing my LGP Pokédex, and I am looking for some help with trade evolutions, LGE exclusives, and fossils. Any level, CP, etc. is fine. Specifically, I'm looking for the following: Trade evos - for trade evos, I can send back yours if you'd like :) - Kadabra...
  3. Venia Silente


    Welcome to “Sixth”" -- my first fic posted here at Serebii. Notes on Development This work is subdidided into a series of small text snippets or "mini-stories", ranging anywhere from 600 to 2500 words each. A descriptive title will be provided for each and will be used to build a quick...