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  1. L

    Problems: Trade Colosseum to Sapphire

    Hey there, I am currently having the following problem: I am trying to trade my Pokemon from Colosseum to Sapphire. I finished Colosseum already and trading from Colosseum to LeafGreen does work. Connecting to Sapphire it works until my team on the Sapphire version is tested. As soon as the...
  2. Acerola

    Resident Evil Series

    Hello! Anyone else here into the Resident Evil series? I've played most of them, my first one was RE4 on my gamecube, and I've been hooked since! I've played: RE0, RE1, RE2, RE3, RE4, RE5 and a bit of RE: Code Veronica X. I own RE6+Revelations 1 & 2, but have yet to officially play though...
  3. P

    How do the 3D models from the Pokémon 3DS games compare to the models of the GCN games?

    How do the 3D models from Pokémon gen VI & VII compare to the models of the Stadium and GCN games? I have heard that the models from the 3DS games already had quite a high poly count and that when ran on a higher resolution they could look quite good, while I've also heard that the GCN games...