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generation 8

  1. trentsuki

    What is your favorite Pokemon Region, based off of all existing Pokemon Media and why?

    I'm mainly talking about the main series regions (Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos, Alola, Galar and Hisui.) But you can include spinoff Regions if you'd like, what is your favorite region, not just based off of the games, but also taking into account the Manga, Anime, TCG, and any...
  2. NovaBrunswick

    How do you think Gen 8 moves will be shown in the anime?

    As with every new generation that has come out, Gen 8 has introduced some new moves. While a few have already been shown so far in the Sword & Shield arc of the Pokémon anime, there are still many left to show. Here are a few of my favourites and how I think they'll be portrayed in the anime...
  3. Ambyssin

    Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Path of Valor

    Welcome to the world of... pokémon? It started when a fairy kingdom set a dreepy princess up to fail. Then she, two classmates, and their servants were sucked into an alien world ruled by a tyrannical deoxys. One whose existence threatens the safety of every world. With a dimensional crisis...
  4. P

    Pokémon Sword and Shield - How will they impact the anime?

    Like previous threads. How do you think the first two Generation 8 games will impact the anime?
  5. Mega Altaria

    Ability Speculation/Wishlist Thread

    Speculate on what new Abilities could be in the 2019 Pokémon Switch game or what changes can be made to the Abilities we have now as in nerfs and buffs. And what sort of Abilities do you want in the game?