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  1. NovaBrunswick

    How many generations of Pokémon have you played?

    So far, there have been eight generations of Pokémon. Have you played 'em all? I've played every gen except 8, since I don't have a Switch yet. If I do get one, I'll make sure to keep my streak of playing every single new gen unbroken. ;)
  2. NeoAnthony

    Pokemon Challenge Idea - Looking for Suggestions, Opinions, and Criticism

    Hello, A group of friends and I are planning on challenging ourselves on playing all Pokémon gens in the wait for Gen VII coming next year (Hopefully). We are a bunch of casuals and haven't played all the gens, or played multiple games in just one gen. This is a fun little idea we had so we can...
  3. NovaBrunswick

    In which generation did you start playing Pokémon?

    Pretty much self-explanatory - which gen did you first get into Pokémon? Me, I started with Gen 2, and my first Pokémon game was Silver. (It was actually one of my cousins', but he let me keep it.)