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  1. Auraninja

    The Cinderace Raid Meetup Thread

    This thread is being made in order to allow people to group together and take on Cinderace for the next 7 star raid. (As of this threads making, I would post to say if you are interested in joining others, and maybe post what you are bringing to the raid). (You may also ask for help raising a...
  2. M

    Looking for Tera Charizard Raid

    Hi, I'm getting trouble getting Charizard Raids also I dont have good enough pokemon to take on it. Anyone wants to carry me?
  3. B

    Union Circle/Raid den thread

    Share your link codes for Raids and evolving Finizen.
  4. P

    No raid icons on map or tera crystals in game

    So, I have been through the academy, am able to ride Miraidon, have beaten the Cortondo Gym. But still I have no raid icons on my map and cannot see any crystals. I can't really play the game properly like this. I have restarted the game, looked for updates. I have been back to the academy, and...
  5. Rikue

    Shiny Fairy Raid Den w/Ponyta, Hatenna, etc.

    Hello folks, I have a shiny fairy den in my game and I am hoping to run it for anyone who needs Ponyta, Hatenna, Mime Jr., Blipbug, or Natu. The raid will hopefully start around 9pm CST tonight, 03/05/20. My FC is 6979-2060-5993 Switch name: Ymir | In-Game name: Penelope Please send me a...
  6. Ghost94

    Shiny Magikarp Raid w/Hidden Ability

    Currently have a Shiny Magikarp Raid available. She has her hidden ability Rattled. If you would like to catch it reply to this post or send me a PM and I will host the game for you. This offer will be available for approximately the next 5 hours.
  7. P

    Raid dinamax localisation

    hello sorry for my english is very bad ^^ I don't find the localisation of the den on the map. On the site i find this : https://serebii.net/swordshield/maxraidbattles.shtml but i don't know were is a den 1,2,3,...... on the map ! if you have anser i relly apreciate thank you.
  8. N

    Error- No pokemon spawns, no raid battles.

    Anyone else having an error where they are having no pokemon spawn (except in the first 30 sec's of logging in). Also No raid battles showing. (which has completely stalled my research). I have reported these errors but I'm getting no reply's and no help. I've uninstalled, reinstalled. I'm...