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  1. G

    Pokémon Sword + Shield Trading

    Hey, this is just a thread to help those who are looking for a specific Pokémon for their party, to complete their sexy, or what ever it’s for.
  2. W

    LF: Sword Exclusives

    I have all of the Shield exclusives ready in return. I also have 31 4IV Ditto and 1 5IV Ditto, all English. I would also like to swap around Karrablast and Shelmet for dex entries and swap Rhydon and Zamazenta. If your Flapple could be holding a Tart Apple as well, that would be great. My...
  3. Salient_Z

    Veteran Player's Feelings on Sword and Shield

    I've not been around these parts in a long time, but after seeing a few forum threads that I disagreed with I had to throw my hat into the ring. This is largely a rant with an optimistic afterthought, and it's right off the cuff so it will likely be very unorganized. I'll first say that my girl...
  4. B

    Looking for ENG Ditto 5/6 IV

    Can trade EUR 5IV Ditto but also every pokemon from the pokedex (excpet legendaries)
  5. ohjeezitskim

    FT: Eiscue, G Ponyta, G Corsola, 4IV adamant Dreepy +

    What I currently have ready to trade: 3 Eiscue 5 G Ponyta 6 G Corsola 4 Deino (VE Sword) 12+ 4IV Dreepy 2 5IV Dreepy (NOT perfect 5iv) What I can trade if I have some time to breed/find them Can breed now: Sobble/Scorbunny/Grooky G Darumaka(VE-Sword) Croagunk(VE-Shield) Jangmo-o...
  6. T

    Looking for non-US Ditto

    Offer Closed
  7. RoyalXIII

    LF: Galarian Darumaka/Darmanitan w/HA. TF: Gigantamax Sandaconda HA

    Looking for either Galarian Darumaka or Galarian Darmanitan with it's Hidden Ability, female if possible! Offering a Gigantamax Sandaconda with it's Hidden Ability. Lv.40, I have one that's Modest & one that's Lax.
  8. A

    Shield and sword exclusives??

    Hey I have Pokemon sword but I’ve just seen the Galarian ponyta and I am literally in love! If I saw it sooner I would have probably got shield instead :( I’m just wondering if you’re able to trade the exclusive pokemon even if you have the different version of the game ???
  9. NovaBrunswick

    Sword or Shield - which version are you getting?

    With less than three months to go before Sword/Shield's release, which version will you be getting? I don't have a Switch right now, but I'm participating in a giveaway for one, so if I do get it, I'll get Sword. It's kind of been a tradition of mine to get the first version, except in Gen 2...
  10. Dragalge

    Swords Face-Off (30 Minute Cooldown)

    Let’s have a face-off about swords! Swords kick ass! Just upvote for the sword you like the most by one! First to 75 wins! Maybe we’ll do a second round who knows! Follow those game rules and SPPf in general! Falchion: 0/75 Shortsword: 0/75 Katana: 0/75 Saber: 0/75 Claymore: 0/75 Odachi: 0/75...
  11. Shadow_Trainer

    Gamefreak Interview Surfaces That Proves Our Worst Fears

    A Youtuber by the username of SilphSpectre has found a recent interview from a programmer at Gamefreak saying that the company is no longer prioritizing Pokemon, but instead on original games. Here's the video link: This explains a lot of the problems people are seeing in Sword and Shield and...