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AKA NeoRyder
hiya guys! take a look at anotha fake from me! Using my own Blank creation again, but this style of blank is for EX:IonChain

enjoy! and plz comment :)


oh and i didnt put the energies in cos I 4got which ones go there for Delcatty lol (weakness and resistence i mean)


←@_@Do NOT do drugs!
i luv the card its great, the blank is Coooooooool!!!

You have to make more cards, i love the art but i prefer her more cute!!

The last attack is deadly if your oppenent has lots of basic pkmn in its bench, the first attack supports the second attack!!!


Furret rocks
The artwork is brill'.



Master Trainer
I love the artwork. But you didnt add a retreat cost, weakness, or resistance