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christian 4ever
is selingsalt and thunder wave a good combo


Glitch Hunting Freak
It could possibly work considering the double damage against palyzed foes. To do that you'll need very high attack power. But I'm sure it'll work well ^_^


Back I guess??
I think you deal much more damage with two Return...

Thunderwave+Smellingsalt: 120
Return+Return: 208

...or any STAB you can take. Which Pokémon you´re planning to use?

You can ThunderWave, Swords dance three times and use SmellingSalt. This is not bad. But still not great. If Smellingsalt was fighting, it´d be better...
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Well-Known Member
hairyama is best bet..neber used but im bout to ev train one.. their hp n attack is beasty