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Elemental Quest Version 2


Internet Overlord
Elemental Quest Version 2


No bunnying
Post at least 6 sentences
Do NOT try to revive the older version of this, you may post in the old discussion thread however, so that we don't have to make a new one.
Keep track of what items are currently in your bag

Okay quest assignments are as follows, they will be written on a sheet of parchment in a language you are able to read:

(VampirateMace) Amos, sorcerer:
You are to capture a pygmy unicorn and bring it back here.

(/Exiled/) Ronoth, Wizard (earth)
You will travel to the land of the giants and return with a bunch of grapes. (Yes, these will be giant grapes, think watermelons.)

(katiekitten) Tibalt, noble:
You will travel to the field of speaking crystals, and return with one crystal each, however be on your guard for the crystals’ guardian Fiona, will try to trick you.

(Pikagod) Karmas, Merchant:
You will collect one pound of rare blue butterfly wings to deliver to the local sorcerer.

(~Alexis Laistenna~) Aphrodite, Hunter (of monsters):
You will slay the vampire lord freeing the farmers he is holding hostage. Take care not to become his slaves yourself.

(metagrossiron_fist) Jack, warrior (sailor):
Go forth and slay the crystal dragon which lurks in a nearby lake.

(Bandana) Lyra, gypsy:
You will go to meet the Malzin, wizard of the seas, from there you will travel to where the ice exists as land; bring back a bird from this icy world.


Sunlight streamed in through the window of Amos’ room falling across the floor and bed onto his face. His eyes flicked open, he was very tired. He noticed his father sitting at his bed side.

“Good, you’re awake,” said his father softly.

“You gave us a scare,” added his father’s hat (jingle) in its loud squeaky voice. Amos groaned holding his head, why was it throbbing? What had happened?

“That was quite an explosion,” said his father, “You’ve been out for a couple days.” Explosion? A couple of day? He pursed his lips trying to remember. He’d been casting spark spell, the results of which were something like fireworks. Something must have gone wrong…

“I forgot the count line, didn’t I?” Amos asked.

“Yeah, at least I think that’s what happened, the explosion destroyed your chalkboard, so I can’t be sure,” his father replied. Amos groaned again, without his chalkboard he had to do the spell lines in his head. He decided today must be a bad day, so he rolled over and pulled the covers over his head.

“Hold up son,” said his father, “You turned thirteen yesterday, but sense you were out cold, this had to wait.” His father held out a package wrapped in green paper and tied with twine. Amos gasped, he knew this was something good; he started to quickly unwrap the package. A leather gauntlet with blue lining and chii markings fell out. Amos gently ran his hands over it, it was beautiful. Amos then thanked his father several times and started to get ready to head out to the village square.

Once he arrived at the square, an elder, handed him a sheet of paper. There was a message written on it in the magic tongue, which was good for Amos, sense he couldn’t read the common tongue:

You are to capture a pygmy unicorn and bring it back here.

A pygmy unicorn, such a thing exists? Where? Amos was a little worried now.


Karmas awoke in his small room, sunlight streaming in through the one small broken window. He quickly got up and walked downstairs to the damp dining room. In the room his foster father, Naurteu, sat in a chair with a salamander on his shoulder. The reptile's skin looked as if it was on fire.

"Son," Naurteu started, "You have finally turned thirteen. It is time for you to become a man. Have Simba here for a pet."

Karmas looked in surprised due to the fact merchants usually don't get anything. He took the salamander with pride and ran up into his room. He pulled out a new looking bag and shoved in two Chii-catching jars, some fruit, bread, cheese and a journal. Karmas gave one last wave to his foster father and left the building.

Karmas walked for about five minutes until he walked to the town square where a elder passed him a parchment with the common tongue on it. The parchment read:

Karmas, Merchant:
You will collect one pound of rare blue butterfly wings to deliver to the local sorcerer.

~Alexis Laistenna~

<Aren't I cute?
I giggle as I avoid my brother for the second time in a row. I need to spend as much time with him as possible, because I mightn't return from my Quest, and then, that would mean that I would never see him again. I am being a bit too dramatic; I have left a will, if I don't return, in my mother's hands.

My brother, who gestures for me to go, since a crowd is gathering in the Town Square, snaps me out of my thoughts. I kiss him lightly on the cheek, all the while cursing in many different tongues in my head. Why now? Why not in an hour?

Oh well. I walk out of the small gate, accompanied by Daniel, my brother, Mum and Dad. I look like a tall stick among the crowd. I can easily see the elder giving out envelopes to thirteen-year-olds. I see people unaware of the crowd, like Amos and Karmas. Finally, it is I. My father slips me a small parcel as I pass. I open it, revealing a loaf of keshebread and an arrow, with a sapphire on the pink feather. Is this my chii device? I have no time to read the note, for I am soon at the front.

At the top of the parchment, in the common tongue, it is written, Choose whichever you like. I smile gratefully, and read through it on each language on the page. From this, I get the general idea that I am supposed to slay a vampire lord, save the farmers who are his slaves, and also avoid becoming a slave myself.

I need to form an alliance. A Noble would have loads of contacts throughout the land, surely. So I may as well find a Noble. I turn around, and eventually spot one. A male one. I recognize him. He's from..... Brenwhy? Brenwy? Yep. Brenwy house member. Nice hat, hair, may as well introduce myself. I start to walk towards him.

He seems nice. But, I'm still uncertain....

Razor Shiftry

Cynthia = Porn Star
Jack slowly tacked his way into the harbour and tossed a rope to the Harbour master on the port side of his small ship. The Harbour master neatly caught the rope and tied it off while Jack grabbed his backpack and hopped ashore. The harbour master glared at him suspiciously.
‘Ach! Whys a wee lad lik you goot a grand old bout like that eh?’ said the harbour master in sailor tongue, a variation of the common tongue but a bit harsher.
‘Hey!’ said Jack, shrugging the old man off, ‘don’tch worrie ‘bout it, I’m be here for eh quest to become’h man’.
‘Okey then laddie, be off with ya’, replied the harbour master and shoved Jack down the dock to the town square. It was very busy but Jack noticed an elder giving out some parchment to a group of people around his age and ran towards them, unwittingly barging into another boy, walking in the same direction as him.
‘Hey! Would you mind not hitting into people please!’ said the boy as he grabbed Jack’s arm to preventing him from escape. ‘I know we have places to go but just clam down!’
‘Ach, Let go of me ya filthy noble ye, I don’t need yer to ‘, Jack struck out a mocking pose, ‘help me with my manners, mate, joust lev meh alone!’ Jack shrugged the noble off him as if he was a disease and walked off towards to elder.
The Elder was nearly finished giving out his Parchments when Jack walked up to him.
‘Ah, you must be Jack the Sailor’, smiled the Elder, ‘here’s your quest, enjoy!’ he laughed and walked into the crowd.
Jack looked the parchment and read it carefully:

To Jack (sailor)
This is you quest to become an adult and respected in society. Your particular quest is to travel north, to the Sparkling Lake and slay the Crystal Dragon, which resides in it. Be on your guard, as this is a mighty foe and good luck.

Elder of Albany town.

Oh great, thought Jack, no sailing, that’s put my skills to no use. Jack rolled his eyes. ‘I might as well geo ‘n’ sell ma bout now’. Jack sighed and walked off to the habour

OOC: better now?
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Internet Overlord
metagrossiron_fist: You need to change your post, You are NOT allowed to bunny other people's characters, And I'm pretty sure you had Tibalt out of character...

EDIT: Why the hell are you all fighting over Tibalt anyways? Maybe he's a good player, but man why does everyone think they need him? And meta you got it wrong, the crystal dragon lives in a lake... there is no indication that this lake is near the crystal feilds!
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Razor Shiftry

Cynthia = Porn Star
OOC: argh! sorry, i just assumed that crystal lake-crystal field, could be close to each other? thats possible? right right?
as for Tibalt, I was reading his sign up and it seemed to fit with his character and i don't mean to travel with him at all and i'm sure Katiekitten won't mind this once and isn't she on holiday for a week, so this will give her a bit of a start, right?
and i wasn't fighting over Tibalt, Jack doesn't like nobles and insulted Tibalt- hence the reason for the fight.
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Internet Overlord
No, you need to change it, it's out-o-character and not allowed... and I Katiekitten is back from holiday.

The lake is NOT called the crystal lake, the Dragon is called the Crystal Dargon...

And you need to really read what I and otehrs post, not just skim...

Now no more of this in this thread, it's for RPGing, not disscussion.

edit: What I meant by fighting over Tilbat, was that everyone seems to want him on their quest, and well, it just ain't gonna happen.

edit 2: yes, better. thank you.
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Lyra had been up since early this morning. She was determined to figure out how to dance on a rope, but only failed. And even worse: She had failed in front of Serene. The one girl that never let Lyra live anything down.
Serene had made jokes at Lyra for the rest of the morning up until now, which didn't put Lyra in the best mood for Quest Day.

Stupid Serene.... She's lucky I have things to do today.... Otherwise she'll be in for it! was all Lyra thought on the way to the Town Square. And if Lyra didn't think that, it was something along those lines. by the time she was in the Town Square Lyra forced herself to brighten up.

Can't look grumpy in front of the elders Lyra, Lyra told herself as one called her over to him. Lyra smiled sweetly and recieved the scroll, using all the politeness she could force out of her for the morning. Well it was hard to smile. And what the scroll said didn't make it any better.

You will go to meet the Malzin, wizard of the seas, from there you will travel to where the ice exists as land; bring back a bird from this icy world.

"You. Are. Kidding..." Lyra said dumbfounded and then hoped that none of the Elders had heard her, let alone anyone she knew.
The place described sounds like a long way away, Lyra thought, gripping her balancing pole. And definitely not on any of the roads I'm used to. What kind of bird does it mean though? They have really got to explain things better...

Lyra quickly looked around to try and judge what the others were thinking. Or at least to see their reaction to their quest.


The Compromise
OOC: I'm afraid I is still on holiday, but as I was visiting anyway, I'll post. XD My old first post can be reused, with a few edits...


It was a pleasant morning, the day dawning bright and clear as the sun leapt over the horizon and waltzed up the sky, dancing with the few puffs of cloud that crept across the periwinkle expanse. I sighed happily, allowing the warm sunlight to bathe my face with its gleeful rays. A perfect day to start a quest, if I may say so myself. I leaned back with a smile as my carraige trundled along the busy east road of the village, surrounded on both sides by fields of wheat that rippled in the light breeze. It was in the center of this particular village that participants in this year’s quest gathered, to be assigned their quests. I would soon join them, and then the real fun would begin.

I shifted a little, barely noticing the houses and trees that sped by in a blur of color. What would be my task? Who would they group me with, if I was grouped at all, I wonder? A fairy, perhaps? Werewolf? Witch? I prayed to the heavens that I would not be placed with a sorcerer, for while they were powerful, they’ve been known to be a laidback, rude people, and I would prefer not to be cooped up with one of them for three months. My eyes glazed over with happiness as I mulled over that final thought. Three months… Three months of complete and utter freedom…

I looked up as the carriage jolted to a halt, waiting patiently as a man in the Brenwy livery opened my door and folded down a set of steps. I stepped delicately out and onto the cobbled stones, left hand moving subconsciously to the cloth band that encircled my right wrist. I had been given it from my mother and father this morning as they’d taken leave of their work to bid me farewell. My eyes prickled slightly with tears as I remembered my mother’s grief-stricken face... Not everyone returned whole from their quests, if they returned at all. I brushed at my eyes impatiently, stepping towards the crowd that had gathered in the village center. A proud monument of a rearing horse stood stoutly in the center of an open courtyard, surrounded on all sides by a collection of shops and museums. A man stood just underneath the horse's raised hooves, reading out names from a large manuscript. As I drew closer I caught snippets of his speech, welcoming all here and informing them of the proceedings.

I resisted the urge to yawn. In the weeks coming up to this date I spent many hours researching the event in the local library, determined to know everything. And now, five weeks from the day that I had completed the final book, I did. I did not need the information to be repeated. I pushed silently through the crowd, blocking out most of the pointless whitter that they bantered too and fro, determined to reach the center. Entertainers, gypsies, elves, my, my, they certainly had a broad range of classes this time. This should be interesting. Very interesting.

"Tibalt Brenwy."

At my name I looked up, towards the speaker. It was the Elder holding the manuscript. I smiled grimly. My turn already. Fancy that. Jamming my hat more firmly on my head, I slipped through the crowd.

This was it.

Fear and uncertainty began to nibble at my determination, shaking a little the foundation of my certainty.

What if I didn't come back?

Self doubt flared briefly as the image of my mother once more flickered in my mind, an awry sun ray highlighting the tear that trickled out of her eye...


I pushed the image away, angry with myself. I could do this. I would come back. Doubting myself would be detremental to my cause.

Still, nervousness quaked in a small corner of my heart as I reached the statue and recieved the envelope from the white robed Elder. Clenching it tightly in my fist, I turned away and wove through the center of the crowd until I was once again at the outskirts. I wanted to be alone when I discovered what my task would be. A twinge of excitement sparked as I took a deep breath, and opened the letter.

Tibalt Brenwy.

My name was the first thing to leap out of the page. I smiled despite myself. At least they spelt my name right...

You will travel to the field of speaking crystals, and return with one crystal each. However, be on your guard for the crystals’ guardian, Fiona, will try to trick you.

A wave of relief flooded through me. Good. Nothing too hard. My confidence rose as I read through the letter again. Take a couple of crystals from a field? Easy as pie...

OOC: Alexi, I haven't forgotten you. XD Just tap him on the shoulder. He is in a little world of his own at the moment... XD

Vamp? What do you mean by a crystal each? Do you mean one of each type of crystal, or if two or more people were going, they would take a crystal each? o.o;;

XD I'm asking questions again...

Razor Shiftry

Cynthia = Porn Star
Jack walked into the harbour and hunted out the harbour master. He was lounging in his hut when Jack walked in.
‘Ach, Lookie here th’n, its tha wee lad who’s go’n on his wee quest now. Soo, ya beh want’n yer bout back?’
Jack sighed. This was going to be hard. ‘Ach, no thanks, I’m beh her to sell meh wee lil’ ship to yah, since I woont beh need’n her any moor. I’m off’rin 100 gold for ‘er, deal?’ Jack and the harbour master bartered for a while and Jack managed to pull a deal of 73 gold and 6 silvers for his ship and the harbour master reluctantly drew out the money for it. Jack quickly snatched the money and walked out of the harbour master’s hut and took a deep breath. ‘That was hard’, thought Jack, ‘it feels like I'm was parting with an old friend, quite odd…’
Jack walked back up to the town square where merchants were still selling and buying things. Jack smirked. ‘I wonder which of these will be selling information?’ He thought and looked at the inn on one side of the square, ‘but maybe I’ll get it for free’, and walked over to the inn. When he opened the doors, the heavy smell of alcohol and body odour rushed up his nose and various people were lounging around, drunk or were on the way. ‘Nice’, thought Jack and raised an eyebrow, ‘great way to start a quest’, and sat down on a stool next to an old and very drunk man…

~Alexis Laistenna~

<Aren't I cute?
I sigh as I approach him. Is this the right thing to do? I know of Nobles, I know of the terrors of the wealthy, yet I still must ask, since he will hopefully have transport and more food than me. I feel unsure, Nobles are easily angered, according to Daniel's tales. I hold my quiver tightly. Even if I don't hold my bow, an arrow stabbed like a sword is fatal. But, I would be jailed, or the Noble Family would have a case against me, or....

I decide to stop worrying. He may be incredibly good-natured. I watch him carefully. He's in his own world. I groan. Men are so full of themselves. I tap him on the shoulder lightly, for I do not wish to anger him. As he turns, I manage to say a few things about myself, and finally make a proposal for teaming up until we get to the split paths.

I cannot help but wonder: Will he accept?


"Man.... That was a great way to start off the day..." Ronoth states as he stretches. He glances over at the staff given to him earlier this morning. Frowning, he recalls the events that happened that morning...


"lets see.... According to The Basis Of Earth.... I need to move it in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction..." Ronoth looks at the slowly moving pile of dirt infront of him. "Or atleast thats what I think it means..." He states angrily as he tosses the leather bond book to the side.

Ronoth is standing by a tree near a forest clearing. It is where he always practices earth magery, and today he got up extra early to practice. The young wizard slowly resumes to stance needed for the move.
"Ok, concentrate.... Concentrate!!" The ground starts to spin around it's self forming a whirlpool of ground. It slowly dents downward into a sand trap type formation. Churning, and churning, the ground slowly gets smashed into a fine sand.

"YES!" Ronoth yells happily. "It worked!" He quickly takes a look at the book again. "lets see.... I'll try this now...." The eager mage quickly resumes a position. "Ok... Lets make a sand rope...... First expand the sand up... And ...." Something odd starts to happen to the ground as it pulsates. "wait this isn ri"

"Boom!!!!!!" There is a huge explosion of earth and all he can remember is going through the air....

"Wake up Ronoth....." Comes a voice. The young wizard slowly opens his eyes realizing what happened. "seems like you messed up that technique... Come back to the cabin for a bit... I have something for you...


"thats how it happened......" Ronoth slowly looks down at the letter given to him as he approaches town...


Internet Overlord
Amos walked out the town gates into a field. He had a quest that he didn’t know how to complete, but that was okay, he also had all the time in the world… if he didn’t do something to get himself killed.

Another young man rushed past him, he assumed he was also on his quest. Unlike Amos however, he was in a rush to get it done. Amos had never rushed to anything, except dinner. What he really wanted to do was test out his gauntlet. He had a metal earth chii in his bag, but he didn’t want to waste that playing, because they were rare. Rock chii were the common form of earth chii, but metal ones were much harder to find. He scanned the field. The grass swayed in the breeze and a bunny hopped near the village wall. A yellow butterfly floated gently by going off towards the woods. Finally Amos’ eyes locked onto what he was looking for, a little pink flower with two black eyes hiding among some poppies. It was a plant/grass chii.

He rushed over and picked it up, it squirmed as he placed it on the white chii symbol of his gauntlet. His left arm went numb; however he could still move it. He held it out from him self and concentrated on making a beam. Pink petals flew out of his palm spinning quickly. The petals sparkled softly in the sunlight, it wouldn’t have made much of a weapon, but it was pretty. A girl, who’d just come out the village gate, made an awe type sound, she must have been on of those girls thrilled by pretty things.


Lyra had been studying everyone with cold, dagger like eyes. Not that she done it on purpose, but it was an old habit she had when she studied people or things, making it blatant what she was doing. And if you couldn't figure out Lyra was studying you, you were likely to think she was just simply glaring at you.

From what Lyra could see were a bunch of people who were looking at his sheet in confusion, a girl approaching a boy who was off in his own little world, and people leaving and arriving at the Town Square. Lyra scanned her eyes over them a few more times. Who here looked like they knew where the "Icy World" was?

Well, Lyra thought to herself, biting her lower lip. All the magical like people act as if they're wise and all. Lets see if they are. But which one? Heaps of people here look magical.
It was true. Lyra could see numerous people with staffs, wands and whatnot. Come to think of it, Lyra looked as if she was a Mage or something herself considering she was armed with her Balancing Pole.

Lyra was starting to eliminate people from her head. Mainly the ones that looked like they were dumb, poor or ugly. And by ugly, Lyras meant the ones that were already getting humungous warts or were picking their noses and other uncivilised places.
One guy who was walking into the Town Square seemed smart but seemed to be at a slow start. Another magical looking person was looking at his parchment in confusion.

How wise, Lyra thought to herself in her head sarcastically as she rolled her eyes, All the ones that don't look confused or utterly hopeless look like they're gonna fall asleep soon. Well that guy does anyway. Never mind Lyra. You're just asking for directions, so it shouldn't matter who you ask as long as they answer you.

Lyra smiled, showing her irritation, then she walked over to the sleepy looking magical person. By the time she had reached him, her smile showed no irritation and seemed completely normal. And Lyra seeming normal, considering her mood, was definitely an improvement.

"Morning," Lyra said to the magical person but quickly got to the chase. "Do you know which was the 'Icy Land' is? Because I really need to know which direction it's in."
Lyra waited patiently for the boy's reply.

(OOC: She's talking to your character by the way /Exiled/)

Razor Shiftry

Cynthia = Porn Star
Jack grimaced as the drunken old man next to him sloshed down some more of his ale. He had to play this carefully. Jack smirked at his memories of being on his dad’s ship and how easily it was to start a fight with drunken idiots. Jack called out to the maid for a mug of ale and paid for it with a silver coin. ‘Blimey’, thought Jack, ‘times must be hard if the booze is so expensive’. The maid came back and dumped the ale on the table in front of him. ‘Well’, said Jack aloud to himself but cleverly in way that sounded as though it was directed at someone. ‘I see service has gone down a bit’
‘Yer, It has, hasn’t it?’ said the old man and gulped down more ale. ‘Its been all this bad luck merchants been hav’n re-cent-lee…’ the man shook his head and Jack could see that this man would collapse soon, and, see that he would get no more information out of him, moved on to another target, with a bit more life in him. Jack found a merchant sitting in the corner on his own, and obviously depressed about something.
Jack pulled up a stool and began talking to him in merchant tongue. ‘Yer all right mate? Ya look a bit miserable, bad business?’ said Jack mildly cheerfully.
‘Who wants to know’, said the merchant suspiciously.
‘Just clam down, clam down, only enquiring that’s all, my good friend, I’ve been away sailing way west and since I came back ‘ere, my dad’s business hasn’t been doing’ that well, so I’m just wondrin what's been going on that’s all’, lied Jack easily.
‘You say business in the west is doing all right?’ Jack hid a smirk – ‘caught him!’ thought Jack – as the merchant carried on, ‘ my business are in the north and east of ‘ere and things ain’t been doing to good, I mean, just the other day, I got news that one of my cargo ship has sunk in a storm in the west! Do you realise how much that’s cost me?’ Jack nodded knowingly as the merchant talked, ‘that’s 700 gold’s worth of silk gone! Worthless! And do you know what's worse? I haven’t had any news from my business up in the north and all me fellow merchants are saying there’s a great big sparkly dragon up there, terrorizin’ people up there!’ the merchant was talking very loudly now so Jack passed him his ale to calm him down. ‘Right’, thought Jack, now for the had bit, don’t want him to be suspicious now…’
‘Where up north are ye saying? Strait, towards the northern wastes?’ Jack inquired but it seemed like the merchant was glad to be able to tell his troubles to someone.
‘Nah! Its north, north west of ‘ere, me lad, up by the sparklin’ lake, you know?’
‘Yeah, I know, ‘ere have another drink on me’, Jack called to the maid again and paid for another mug of ale. ‘Thanks for the talk my friend’, said Jack, slapped the merchant on the back and walked out, glad to be out in the fresh air and out of the claustrophobic atmosphere of the inn. ‘Well’, thought Jack dryly, ‘it seems like its true what they say of merchants and Sailors – the gossip does spread faster than the Plague’. Jack started walking to the north gate of the town, and closer to his goal…


Karmas slowly walked out of the village that he had learned to call home. He had to walk to the Butterfly Meadow, which was west of the village last time he checked. He looked up on his shoulder to check if Simba was still there.

Okay Simba's here and I'm ready to go thought Karmas.

As he started walking Karmas noticed that he was getting colder, only getting warmth from Simba somehow. Then Karmas saw the frozen trees and a blast of ice going straight towards him!


Internet Overlord
The icy blast knocked Amos and the girl off their feet. He was suddenly very cold and there was a thin layer of ice on his clothing. The grass all around him was frozen. Amos looked towards the trees. They were covered in an icy film. The leaves were frozen solid, no longer swaying in the breeze. He could only assume that was where the cold air had come from, he’d been to busy playing and never even saw it coming.

He new it couldn’t be natural; it had to be someone or something that had control over the water and wind elements. He looked at the girl, while he pondered whether or not he should help a lady up she stood up on her own. This gave him the ability to switch his attention to the trees; he slowly walked closer to the trees.

Razor Shiftry

Cynthia = Porn Star
Jack walked along the road that went north from the town. It was quite a nice day and the midday sun was making him feel sleepy. As his head dropped, his eye drew to the cutlass on his side. He remembered his dad telling him that his ancestors used this small cutlass to harness the Chii of water of air for when the weather was unsuitable for sailing…

‘Hmmm, I wonder if I can use some Chii to make a breeze to keep me cool…’ Jack drew out the cutlass and looked at the blade. It was quite ordinary, except for the odd and faint waves of blue Chii, which were the remains of the Chii used before. Jack walked off the road and down the right bank to the edge of a near-by pond and sat down.

‘Right, I need the practise so how am I going to do this…a cool breeze…that would need ice…and wind, duh, obviously…so I need to combine them…’ Jack walked over to the pond edge. Lots and lots of flying bugs and a few water birds hung around.
‘Ok then…concentrate…’ Jack held out the blade in front of him. It started glowing brighter…

Jack raised the blade and brought it downwards in a diagonal angle and into the water. Nothing happened. Jack looked around him. All the bugs and fallen onto the ground or onto the pond. The water birds couldn’t flee. Jack looked across the lake and saw a small, water nymph that was hovering over the water; fall, with a small splash and a gasp of surprise, into the pond.
‘Oh dear’ thought Jack and heard a rustling to the left of him. The trees seem to part for a moment…

A cold blast of air hit him and Jack fell to the ground. As Jack got up, the whole scenery had changed. Everything was covered with a thin layer of frost and the pond had a thin layer of ice on it. Realisation of what he had done hit him. He had, unintentionally, summoned a north wind. Jack looked around again. ‘What have I done?’ thought Jack. A rustle in the frozen grass behind him made him turn around and Jack saw a blue robed boy walk out looking extremely cross with him. ‘And…out of the frying pan and into the fire?’ thought Jack, suddenly very worried indeed.

OOC: I’m talking about you Vamp


Internet Overlord
(Going to tell you now, Amos doesn’t get ‘cross’, he’s to lazy to ever get angry. However Jack could misread his expression if he’s not sensitive to other’s feeling.)

Amos surveyed the scene. The sailor boy holding a blue sword stood before a frozen lake. There were lots of little bugs zooming about in a panic. At least the ones that could still fly were, others, their wings frozen rolled about on the ground. There was a lot of damage to the plants in the area; they might be okay if the sun warmed them up fast enough. Amos could warm them to if he got a hold of a couple of fire chii.

“What happened?” Amos asked him, “Surely your blade didn’t summon all this?” Amos looked down at his gauntlet, he’d only managed to produce a stream of petals with it so far, and he knew it was a more powerful device then a chii-sword. (His arm had returned to feeling normal now) So it couldn’t summon an artic blast like that unless there was something special about the sword; it did have a faint blue glow. Maybe it was no ordinary chii-sword?

Razor Shiftry

Cynthia = Porn Star
Jack was completely speechless and left his mouth hanging open. He had been expecting an angry outburst but the boy-sorcerer just asked him coolly (Jack smirked because of the weather…) about his sword. Jack looked down at the cutlass and realised it was glowing a bright, vibrant blue with little sparks crawling all over it.

‘Um…I think it did…’ said Jack and looked down at his cutlass again, ‘my dad told me this cutlass was powerful but I didn’t realise it could be that powerful…I mean, I could summon an artic wind this far south…I wonder what would happen If I just swung it…’ Jack began to experiment and swing the cutlass around perfectly.
The sorcerer looked scared all of a sudden, ‘wait! Don’t-’…