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Expectations for Pokemon Switch?

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Active Member
I believe that expecting Pokemon Switch to become Open World like BotW is asking for a bit too much, but I'd like it to be a jump for the series. I would like things such as a movable camera, voice acting, and make the game one single version rather than two versions.

Pokemon is going to be held to the same standards as current console RPGs like Xenoblade Chronicles 2, Dragon Quest XI and Persona 5. I think now is the best time to modernize the series and make the most out of the being on a home console.

What are your expectations for Pokemon Switch?
Should being on Switch change anything about the series, other than graphics, etc.?


grass type fan.
My expectation is for most to be dissapointed.

Alot of people seem to be expecting Pokemon to be the second coming of BotW. Open world, huge upgrade in graphics. Some think we are bound to end up with active action combat.

The problem with that romanticized hope is that they arent taling into account one simple thing. No not development time. No not GF experiance with console level tech. No not what people call 'lazy GF'. Quite simply they are forgetting that maybe, just maybe GF doesnt want all that for Pokemon.

Im not saying it womt happen, I mean realistically it could, I dont knoe what GF wants. But maybe, just maybe, GF likes the more linear nature of there games. Maybe they like a not graphically super hyper real art style. Maybe they dont want real time active battles.

So my expectations for Pokemon on the Switch is more Pokemon. More of what Ive played for 7 generations of games across dozens of games. Only a little better.

Ultra Beast Lover

Well-Known Member
I kinda lower my expectations as much as possible with anything. I want a lot like an epic legendary Pokemon battle with explosions going off behind you as you run, a team that helps you take down the bad guys, aknowledgement of the previous generations were no one helped you save the world, at least two villages inbetween some gyms so it feels more like a journey and less like a long errand, a dad and/or siblings. But really the most I expect is a dad and/or a sibling


Active Member
I kinda lower my expectations as much as possible with anything. I want a lot like an epic legendary Pokemon battle with explosions going off behind you as you run, a team that helps you take down the bad guys, aknowledgement of the previous generations were no one helped you save the world, at least two villages inbetween some gyms so it feels more like a journey and less like a long errand, a dad and/or siblings. But really the most I expect is a dad and/or a sibling
I think it would be interesting if we could get a spin off series that would allow that to happen. Like Colosseum and XD. A side series to run with the core games might be a change we need to shake things if it they don't want to make the core games like this.

Satoshi & Touko

Peanuts aren't just a nut.
I expect Pokemon Switch to be released in 2019, more likely late 2019. I expect it to be on the Switch. I expect it to be awesome. That's about it at present.

Pokegirl Fan~

Venus best girl
Honestly I'm expecting it to be 3ds graphics and gameplay on a tv, similar to how you can play red,blue, yellow on Pokemon stadium for N64. My expectations for this game are extremely low.
I also expect it to come out in late 2019.


Well-Known Member
I expect it to be a lot like other Pokemon games, nothing too fancy but always enjoyable. I also expect(really hope) they allow our characters to have more facial expressions instead of that dead blank smile.


Active Member
I expect it to be a lot like other Pokemon games, nothing too fancy but always enjoyable. I also expect(really hope) they allow our characters to have more facial expressions instead of that dead blank smile.
The blank faced protagonist took me out of a lot of moments in Sun and Moon, it's pretty uncanny. I also think having more facial types would a nice touch they could add to a Switch game, since many of our Trainer characters so look similar.


Active Member
I expect a release in 2019 because its gives them more time to develop it. Only thing I really want from this game is to be fun and enjoyable. Because if you're not having fun then why are you still playing it?
Agreed. I'm fine with the game not being out in 2018. I think mid 2019 is a comfortable release time, I think I would be more worried if the game is released in 2018.


Well-Known Member
I don't expect this but I would really hope that the graphics would look similar to the graphics in Dragon Ball FighterZ. Of course they have over 800 (and still counting) Pokemon alone to animate that way so I doubt will happen.

I expect it to sell more Switch systems which will hopefully lead to more innovation in the future.


Active Member
I don't expect this but I would really hope that the graphics would look similar to the graphics in Dragon Ball FighterZ. Of course they have over 800 (and still counting) Pokemon alone to animate that way so I doubt will happen.

I expect it to sell more Switch systems which will hopefully lead to more innovation in the future.
3D models that looks like 2D art would be really interesting and I think it would age well. I'd prefer style over realistic graphics when it comes to these kind of games. I think Game Freak has the resources to make a game in that style. But it all goes down to whether or not they'd want to. I think something like that would pay off.


I come and go suddenly
The only thing I'm expecting is a likable game and interesting new Pokémon. That's all I ask.

I honestly think a lot of people are putting their expectations way too high on this new game. All the false rumours don't help, as I've noticed people believe them way too easily, creating fake hype. Then people will be disappointed when these "expectations" are not met. It's always how it goes and I expect this to be no different.

Storm the Lycanroc

Oshawott Squad
With this game I'm not expecting Game Freak to give us ultra realistic 4K graphics with 60 FPS. It's not God of War 4 or Red Dead Redemption 2. It needs to have a visual style that appeals to all ages.

Pokegirl Fan~

Venus best girl
With this game I'm not expecting Game Freak to give us ultra realistic 4K graphics with 60 FPS. It's not God of War 4 or Red Dead Redemption 2. It needs to have a visual style that appeals to all ages.
I'm expecting it to be an updated version of the 3ds graphics, maybe a bit closer to the anime art style and animation as well.
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