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Favourite opening theme?


The Scruffy Professor
I did a quick search but couldn't find a thread similar (sorry if it already exists and I'm just stupid)

What's your favourite opening to the anime?

Mine are:
Original series (Japanese)
Battle Frontier (both Japanese and English)
Diamond and Pearl OP1 (English)
XY OP1 (Japanese)
Sun and Moon OP1 (Korean)

Pokegirl Fan~

Venus best girl
The Greatest Everyday, Advanced Battle, and the original English theme


Well-Known Member
Pokemon Johto(Johto Journeys)
This Dream(Advanced Challenge)
Believe In Me(MasterQuest)
Unbeatable(Advanced Battle)
Volt(Japanese XY)
XYZ(Japanese XYZ)

All of my my favorites.


Auto-Memories Doll
XY(Z) hands down by a significant margin amongst the Japanese themes and overall. Literally nothing can come even close to surpassing the intense, energetic and catchy vibe XY(Z) gives in my book.

Amongst the English openings, I'll have to say Stand Up! from DP, the lyrics of that opening and so meaningful and touching, inspirational and the melody at the same time is wonderful and energetic.

Top 10 Japanese Openings:
1) XY&Z
2) Battle Frontier
3) Spurt!
4) Mad-Paced Getter
5) Alola!
6) The Greatest Everyday
7) Be An Arrow!
8) V Volt
9) Ready Go!
10) Future Connection

Top 10 English Openings:
1) Stand Up!
2) Pokemon Theme
3) Unbeatable
4) I Wanna Be A Hero
5) Battle Frontier
6) We Will Be Heroes
7) Believe In Me
8) Pokemon Johto
9) Rival Destinies
10) We Will Carry On!


Well-Known Member
1) XYZ
2) Spurt!
3) Aim to be a Pokemon Master
4) Mad-Paced Getter
5) Battle Frontier
6) The Greatest - Everyday!
7) Advance Adventure
8) A New Oath
9) Alola!!
10) Best Wishes

1) Pokemon Theme
2) Unbeatable
3) This Dream
4) Pokemon Johto
5) Born to Be a Winner
6) We Will Be Heroes
7) Stand Tall
8) Stand Up!
9) Battle Frontier
10) Pokemon World

Special Mentions
Cantonese Remixes of Advance Adventure and Spurt!


Silver Soul

You should check polls for threads like these before concluding it’s never been done (the search bar doesn’t search across Sppf; just the specific board you are on). Anyways mine would be Ready Go! as it perfectly encapsulates the splitting of the original gang. XYZ may be my favorite soundtrack in the show, but it isn’t my favorite opening. In general Jap opennings are far superior to English opennings.


currently watching LOK

You should check polls for threads like these before concluding it’s never been done (the search bar doesn’t search across Sppf; just the specific board you are on). Anyways mine would be Ready Go! as it perfectly encapsulates the splitting of the original gang. XYZ may be my favorite soundtrack in the show, but it isn’t my favorite opening. In general Jap opennings are far superior to English opennings.

^^^ Yeah I already made a thread on this with a poll. I liked 3rd gen the most with second gen openings as a runner up.


Feelin' Fine.
  • Pokemon World
  • Battle Frontier
  • Battle Cry! Stand Up!
  • Unbeatable
  • Master Quest
  • XYZ
  • Mad-Paced Getter
  • Aim to Be a Pokémon Master
  • OK!
  • Advanced Adventure


Paladin of the Snow Queen
Basically anything during the 4Kids time. I don't know much about the Japanese versions except for Alola's themes, so I can't compare them.

Of course, first English theme will always remain the very best, like no one ever was.


Hardcore Paul Fan
-Pokemon World
-Believe in Me
-This Dream
-Advanced Adventure
-Pokemon Theme
-Ready Go
-Born to Be a Winner
-The Greatest Everyday
-Battle Frontier (Japanese)

These are all my favorites but if I had to choose one I'd go with Spurt,both the song and the opening are great.
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Bonnie stan
Believe in Me!

Ryu Taylor

Unwavering beliefs. Richter Taylor is my name now.
Favorite JP opening: OK!!

Favorite dub opening (and overall favorite): Pokemon Johto

Favorite Korean opening: Remember Times

Favorite Italian opening (from the Mediaset days): The Master Quest
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Alola Adventurer

Well-Known Member
Believe in Me (Dub)
Born to be a Winner (Dub)
Pokémon Johto (Dub)
Ready, Go! (Japanese)

Battle Frontier (Japanese)
I Wanna Be a Hero (Dub)
Unbeatable (Dub)

High Touch! (Japanese)
Battle Cry - Stand Up! (Dub)
We Will Be Heroes (Dub)

Summerly Slope (Japanese)
It's Always You and Me (Dub)
Rival Destinies (Dub)

Getta Ban Ban (Japanese)
XY&Z (Japanese)
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The Anime/Special's canon know it all.
Aim to be master (Japanese)
Battle frontier (Japanese)
Advanced Adventure (Japanese in English language)


Feelin' Fine.
I've found a new liking for "Ready Go!" from the Japanese Johto anime, which I think is amazing but I've never seen anyway talk about it.

Give it a listen


All set to be a nice guy
I've found a new liking for "Ready Go!" from the Japanese Johto anime, which I think is amazing but I've never seen anyway talk about it.

Give it a listen

I've always loved Ready Go. My favorite opening from OS by far.