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Torchic or Mudkip would be good


Veteran smartass
1.if u have the money for it...uhm...yeah?
2.the one u like the most o_o (i put the starter in the pc box after catching a poke i want to train xD)


Mudkip. It can make it through most gyms with out trouble with its evolutions being part ground.


Well-Known Member
Mudkip>Treecko>Torchic that is the order.Mudkip pwns the gyms and when you get to the Battle Frontier it destroys Lucy's team.


Powerplay Champion
get emerald and mudkip... i gotta agree with kingdra on this one... seeing as how swampert only has one weakness:)


Well-Known Member
get it, its better than ruby and saphire
all the starters are good, but mudkip is
the best becuase it has no weakness
but personally i like the other 2 better.


You might as well get it, but because people don't chatspeak you might have some trouble understanding it.
Also, pick Treecko.
I would say because of the changes to the champion you should pick treeko and avoid torchic because of the type weakness to the champion.

Mudkip is a great choice as well when it oses it weakness to electric because even though it gets 4x weakness to grass there arent many strong grass pokemon/grass moves in the storyline (except rival battle to a grovyle with leaf blade).

And yes, emerald is greatly better than RS due to the frontier and more catchable poekmon without trading. ;123;