Active Member
Here’s my full(ish) list of up for trade Pokemon. Since I don’t have an iPhone, this is apparently how I have to trade (yes, I’m a tad bitter) Please note all these Pokemon are in my Sword or Shield game. At some point I may put together a list of my Ultra Sun Pokemon, but right now I’m too lazy.
First off, what I’m seeking:
HA Rookidee
HA G-Max Corviknight
HA Galarian Farfetch’d (top priority right now!)
And I’m usually up for neat G-Max or shiny Pokemon, too.
Next, what I have. Note- to save space and keep it easier for me, I list the gender (unless the Pokemon is single gender, like Milcery), nature, and ability. If you want more info about any Pokemon (things like IVs, balls, level) just ask!
For any Pokemon I can pump them up to max level and/or Dynamax level. I can also potentially change nature, but if I don’t currently have the available candy, it has to be worth my while to earn it since I don’t normally have enough BPs on hand.
You may wanna use Ctrl + F to find a certain Pokemon, since it's a hefty list.
In general, I'm pickier with my G-Max Pokemon and would prefer to trade them for other G-Max Pokemon. Less picky with HA ability since I can always breed more.
Lapras: Male, Lax, Water Absorb
Lapras: Male, Bashful, Water Absorb
Lapras: Male, Naïve, Shell Armor
Lapras: Male, Impish, Water Absorb
Lapras: Male, Lonely, Shell Armor
Lapras: Female, Quiet, Hydration
Lapras: Female, Jolly, Water Absorb
Snorlax: Male, Timid, Thick Fat
Snorlax: Female, Gluttony, Sassy
Snorlax: Male, Careful, Gluttony
Snorlax: Male, Jolly, Immunity (lv. 100)
Snorlax: Male, Calm, Thick Fat
Snorlax: Female, Quiet, Immunity
Snorlax: Male, Mild, Immunity
Sandaconda: Male, Gentle, Sand Spit
Sandaconda: Male, Serious, Shed Skin
Sandaconda: Female, Brave, Shed Skin
Sandaconda: Female, Sassy, Shed Skin
Sandaconda: Male, Naughty, Sand Spit
Drednaw: Male, Hasty, Swift Swim
Drednaw: Female, Quiet, Shell Armor
Drednaw: Female, Gentle, Strong Jaw
Flapple: Male, Jolly, Gluttony
Flapple: Male, Naughty, Gluttony
Milcery: Sassy, Sweet Veil
Milcery: Bashful, Aroma Veil
Milcery: Hardy, Aroma Veil
Milcery: Hasty, Sweet Veil
Milcery: Mild, Sweet Veil
Milcery: Serious, Sweet Veil
Milcery: Docile, Sweet Veil
Milcery: Naughty, Sweet Veil
Milcery: Lonely, Aroma Veil
Milcery: Lonely, Aroma Veil
Milcery: Quirky, Sweet Veil
Milcery: Gentle, Sweet Veil
(note- I can evolve any Milcery into any flavor if you’d like, lemme know what sweet you’d want and I’ll see if I have it)
Alcremie: Impish, Aroma Veil, Lemon Cream with Strawberry Sweet
Alcremie: Docile, Aroma Veil, Lemon Cream with Strawberry Sweet
Alcremie: Brave, Sweet Veil, Caramel Swirl with Strawberry Sweet
Corviknight: Male, Naughty, Pressure
Orbeetle: Female, Bold, Telepathy
Appletun: Female, Calm, Thick Fat
Appletun: Female, Hasty, Gluttony
Centiskorch: Male, Jolly, White Smoke
Centiskorch: Male, Bashful, White Smoke
Centiskorch: Male, Rash, White Smoke
Centiskorch: Male, Docile, White Smoke
Hidden Ability:
Note: Give me enough time and I can breed any of these to be max IV and the gender you want, with egg moves. I can also get you any Pokemon in the evolution line, of course.
First off, what I’m seeking:
HA Rookidee
HA G-Max Corviknight
HA Galarian Farfetch’d (top priority right now!)
And I’m usually up for neat G-Max or shiny Pokemon, too.
Next, what I have. Note- to save space and keep it easier for me, I list the gender (unless the Pokemon is single gender, like Milcery), nature, and ability. If you want more info about any Pokemon (things like IVs, balls, level) just ask!
For any Pokemon I can pump them up to max level and/or Dynamax level. I can also potentially change nature, but if I don’t currently have the available candy, it has to be worth my while to earn it since I don’t normally have enough BPs on hand.
You may wanna use Ctrl + F to find a certain Pokemon, since it's a hefty list.
In general, I'm pickier with my G-Max Pokemon and would prefer to trade them for other G-Max Pokemon. Less picky with HA ability since I can always breed more.
Lapras: Male, Lax, Water Absorb
Lapras: Male, Bashful, Water Absorb
Lapras: Male, Naïve, Shell Armor
Lapras: Male, Impish, Water Absorb
Lapras: Male, Lonely, Shell Armor
Lapras: Female, Quiet, Hydration
Lapras: Female, Jolly, Water Absorb
Snorlax: Male, Timid, Thick Fat
Snorlax: Female, Gluttony, Sassy
Snorlax: Male, Careful, Gluttony
Snorlax: Male, Jolly, Immunity (lv. 100)
Snorlax: Male, Calm, Thick Fat
Snorlax: Female, Quiet, Immunity
Snorlax: Male, Mild, Immunity
Sandaconda: Male, Gentle, Sand Spit
Sandaconda: Male, Serious, Shed Skin
Sandaconda: Female, Brave, Shed Skin
Sandaconda: Female, Sassy, Shed Skin
Sandaconda: Male, Naughty, Sand Spit
Drednaw: Male, Hasty, Swift Swim
Drednaw: Female, Quiet, Shell Armor
Drednaw: Female, Gentle, Strong Jaw
Flapple: Male, Jolly, Gluttony
Flapple: Male, Naughty, Gluttony
Milcery: Sassy, Sweet Veil
Milcery: Bashful, Aroma Veil
Milcery: Hardy, Aroma Veil
Milcery: Hasty, Sweet Veil
Milcery: Mild, Sweet Veil
Milcery: Serious, Sweet Veil
Milcery: Docile, Sweet Veil
Milcery: Naughty, Sweet Veil
Milcery: Lonely, Aroma Veil
Milcery: Lonely, Aroma Veil
Milcery: Quirky, Sweet Veil
Milcery: Gentle, Sweet Veil
(note- I can evolve any Milcery into any flavor if you’d like, lemme know what sweet you’d want and I’ll see if I have it)
Alcremie: Impish, Aroma Veil, Lemon Cream with Strawberry Sweet
Alcremie: Docile, Aroma Veil, Lemon Cream with Strawberry Sweet
Alcremie: Brave, Sweet Veil, Caramel Swirl with Strawberry Sweet
Corviknight: Male, Naughty, Pressure
Orbeetle: Female, Bold, Telepathy
Appletun: Female, Calm, Thick Fat
Appletun: Female, Hasty, Gluttony
Centiskorch: Male, Jolly, White Smoke
Centiskorch: Male, Bashful, White Smoke
Centiskorch: Male, Rash, White Smoke
Centiskorch: Male, Docile, White Smoke
Hidden Ability:
Note: Give me enough time and I can breed any of these to be max IV and the gender you want, with egg moves. I can also get you any Pokemon in the evolution line, of course.
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