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  1. C

    Help redeeming a code for my son

    Hello guys, nice to meet you. My name is Carl, I'm not really used to posting in forums but I'll give it a try. My son (Lucas) has a Pokémon Sword cartridge and he needs help with some trading. He's 13yo so I'll try to help him with this. We received a code some time ago for two "shiny"...
  2. P

    Pkmn Shield Help: Shiny Zamazenta Event

    Can anyone help me get my Shiny Zamazenta? I have Shield and can't use my code, so I need someone with Sword to use the code and trade it back to me. HELP PLEASE!!!
  3. e6life

    LF: BDSP Exclusive Apricorn Pokémon

    Here's a short list of Pokémon now available in Apricorn balls since BDSP's release, and what balls I have them in at the moment: - Skitty: Fast, Love, Moon - Illumise/Volbeat: Heavy, Level, Lure, Moon - Cacnea: Fast, Friend, Heavy, Love, Lure - Zangoose: Level, Love, Lure, Moon - Seviper...
  4. Wulava

    Pokemon Sword & Shield - HELP THREAD (Don't ask about Victini)

    This thread is for any QUESTIONS & ANSWERS regarding the game. Your questions may not be answered immediately, so please be patient. We highly suggest that you look through these dedicated sections first to help find answers. Pokemon Sword & Shield Game Info Gen 8 Pokedex Please do not spam...
  5. BlueBloodPenn

    Help to Finish Shield Dex (UDPATE - Got it all thanks!)

    I'm hoping someone with Sword can help me with finishing my dex. I need the following: Seedot Flapple (or just a Tart Apple) Swirlix (trade with a Whipped Dream, I have one if required) Aromatisse (I can trade the Spritzee with satchet if required) Corsola (galarian) Gothita Karrablast trade...
  6. G

    I got both sweet apples and tart apples in Pokemon Sword?

    Does anyone have the same "problem"? I've checked online and it seems the Sweet apple is still exclusive to Pokemon Shield. This is just like the Gigalith glitch (Golurk spawns sometimes under the weather condition for Gigalith).
  7. Mario D. Solid

    |Only Shiny from Den| H- Lucario, Ditto, Eevee, Applin, Pangoro, Espeon...

    Looking for some shinies only captured by you in dens and in balls that aren't great/ultra: Skwovet, Greedent, Rookidee, Blipbug, Dottler, Nickit, Gossifleur, Eldegoss, Chewtle, Drednaw, Yamper, Boltund, Rolycoly, Silicobra, Sandaconda, Cramorant, Barraskewda, Toxtricity, Sizzlipede...
  8. KibaLG8

    Casual Control Issue

    Idk if its correct to make this thread here but who uses Casual Controls(1 Joy Con)? I loved the concept in Lets Go and was glad it returned here. Im glad i have a 4th way to play my game(Docked/Handheld/Tabletop) Currently I am playing in the Wild Area mostly on my Sword playthrough, doing my...
  9. W

    My For Trade Thread

    Here’s my full(ish) list of up for trade Pokemon. Since I don’t have an iPhone, this is apparently how I have to trade (yes, I’m a tad bitter) Please note all these Pokemon are in my Sword or Shield game. At some point I may put together a list of my Ultra Sun Pokemon, but right now I’m too...
  10. J

    Ralts - Knock Off

    Hi everyone! I was trying to breed a Gallade (just because I like the Pokémon so much) but I don't know how to get it to learn the move Knock Off, I don't which Pokémon to breed it with... Could you help me, please? :D
  11. B

    What will it take

    What will it take for one of you on pokemon sword to trade me your mew. I want a Mew but not willing to pay the $50 price tag.
  12. d0mmyd


    trying to get the last pokemon i need for the pokedex i can trade pretty much anything for these pokemon, just let me know which pokemon you would like in return and i'll let you know if i have it to trade. i also have 5/6 IV grookies, scorbunnies & sobbles if you would like :) thanks very...
  13. F

    Completing pokedex

    As the thread name implies, I'm missing some mons to complete my pokedex. I'm looking for: Grookey Sobble Seedot Flapple Swirlix Farfetch’d Scraggy Gothita Rufflet Mawile Passimian Turtonator Darumaka Stonjourner Deino Zacian I have pokemon shield and almost, if not all the shield exclusives...
  14. d0mmyd


    Looking for these shield exclusives down below Post which exclusive you have to trade & which starter you would like in return (all starters are 5/6 IV) & i will PM you my IGN and trade code. Sableye Oranguru Drampa Solosis Thanks!
  15. G

    Pokémon Sword + Shield Trading

    Hey, this is just a thread to help those who are looking for a specific Pokémon for their party, to complete their sexy, or what ever it’s for.
  16. Crystoll

    LF (Milcery/Alcremie) Ribbon Sweet

    Hello, as the title states I am in search for a Ribbon Sweet. I am offering 3 Sweets in return; one Love Sweet, Two Strawberry Sweets, and one Berry Sweet. I do have a few pokemon to hopefully entice the offer, but I cannot check IVs as I refuse to progress the game until I have said specific...
  17. Salient_Z

    Veteran Player's Feelings on Sword and Shield

    I've not been around these parts in a long time, but after seeing a few forum threads that I disagreed with I had to throw my hat into the ring. This is largely a rant with an optimistic afterthought, and it's right off the cuff so it will likely be very unorganized. I'll first say that my girl...
  18. B

    Looking for ENG Ditto 5/6 IV

    Can trade EUR 5IV Ditto but also every pokemon from the pokedex (excpet legendaries)
  19. Holopleather

    Can someone give me a Clover Topping?

    If anyone has one they don’t want to use, I would like to use a Clover Topping to evolve my Milcery into Alcreamie (it’s just my favorite topping aesthetically). I Understand it’s a drop at the Battle Cafe however I haven’t gotten one from there yet and I don’t know how long it will take to...
  20. T

    Looking for non-US Ditto

    Offer Closed