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New Movesets - Discussion/Speculation Thread


Well-Known Member

Every generation the pokemon of the previous generations have the potential to recieve updates to their existing movesets via move tutors, changes to breeding mechanics and changes to the available TM's.

What additions to the current Pokemon's movesets would you like to see in Generation 9?

Some ideas:

Blastoise: Zap Cannon.
Beedrill: Cross Poison.
Bellsprout line: Heal Bell.
Dewgong: Hydro Pump.
Chikorita line: Cotton Guard.
Espeon: Power Gem.
Lapras: Shell Smash.
Teddiursa line: Cosmic Power.
Lugia: Silver Wind.
Froslass: Perish Song.
Victini: Victory Dance.
Haxorus: Stone Axe.
Kyurem: Mountain Gale.
Dragalge: Petal Dance.
Oricorio: Nasty Plot.
Turtonator: Fire Punch.
Dubwool: Explosion.


Well-Known Member
Would love Bellossom to learn Petal Blizzard and Politoed to learn Extrasensory.


Well-Known Member
Body Press
Foul Play
Night Shade

These above moves are chosen given its offensive stats are not great hence it getting 3 moves that don't rely on them. Recover/Wish helps it stick around to use them. Its needed something ever since it lost toxic.


Well-Known Member
Onix & Steelix
Moves- Glare and Coil
Onix and Steelix are based on snakes and yet can't learn either of these two snake inspired moves Glare or Coil. I think giving them the moves would benefit both Pokemon and make them a bit more versatile. I'm sure they could both Coil up or Glare and it would make easy thematic sense.


Well-Known Member
Onix & Steelix
Moves- Glare and Coil
Onix and Steelix are based on snakes and yet can't learn either of these two snake inspired moves Glare or Coil. I think giving them the moves would benefit both Pokemon and make them a bit more versatile. I'm sure they could both Coil up or Glare and it would make easy thematic sense.
coil would be great on steelix. the accuracy boost would make teaching it iron tail and stone edge safer, that's for sure

i could see remoraid and octillery getting snipe shot. the move fits them even more than inteleon tbh

and wave crash would be perfect for gyarados
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Det. Viper

That’s Detective Viper to you
I actually want to see some moves return to some Pokémon. For example, Water Gun is an egg move for Phanpy but only in Crystal while moves such as String Shot, Sucker Punch and Twister are available by move tutor only in PtHGSS and Soft-Boiled is accessible to the Cleffa and Togepi lines only through Emerald. At this point it is very tedious to be transferring Pokémon through the generations.


Well-Known Member
Serperior and Spinda
Move- Superpower
As contrary Pokemon it makes sense to give them access to some moves that lower their stats and make them more versatile. Serperior has only had leaf storm to take advantage and often has very little in terms of type coverage which holds it back a bit. Spinda used to get superpower via dream world but since that has closed its become hard to get one with a move to take advantage of its ability.


Well-Known Member
There are many physical ghost-type Pokemon that can't learn Phantom Force like AlolanMarowak, Sableye, Dusclops/Dusknoir, HisuianZoroark, Aegislash and Basculegion that could benefit from it.

Also, i would like for Gastrodon to learn Gastro Acid for obvious reasons.