Well-Known Member
Every generation the pokemon of the previous generations have the potential to recieve updates to their existing movesets via move tutors, changes to breeding mechanics and changes to the available TM's.
What additions to the current Pokemon's movesets would you like to see in Generation 9?
Some ideas:
Blastoise: Zap Cannon.
Beedrill: Cross Poison.
Bellsprout line: Heal Bell.
Dewgong: Hydro Pump.
Chikorita line: Cotton Guard.
Espeon: Power Gem.
Lapras: Shell Smash.
Teddiursa line: Cosmic Power.
Lugia: Silver Wind.
Froslass: Perish Song.
Victini: Victory Dance.
Haxorus: Stone Axe.
Kyurem: Mountain Gale.
Dragalge: Petal Dance.
Oricorio: Nasty Plot.
Turtonator: Fire Punch.
Dubwool: Explosion.