with Bleach there is 1 website i know that releases the episodes every week or month im looking for a site like that but only for Pokemon & about taking money away from the creators you might aswell start about people who download the games anyway i would have bought it if they just sell it here you know i cant buy everything tell me do you watch any anime if yes do you buy everything or download it too? i cant buy every anime i want to see that will cost a fortune, i dont know where you are from but here they almost show no anime on TV at the place i live we dont have Cartoon Network(toonami) etc so you expect me to buy it all on dvd?
Oh, I should have guessed - the ol' mentality of "I can't afford all the DVDs and I don't get Cartoon Network, so pity me and give me all the episodes for free."
That dog won't hunt, monsignor.
Apparently they are, since they could easily be found by searching on google. It would take around 30 seconds to actually find a link if you knew what you were doing. And sorry, just because you go to some lame Bleach fansite to download episodes doesn't mean you actually know where to find it.
Please stop,dont tell me you would have bought every single Anime on DVD you wanted to watch like i said its easy for you to talk if they show it on TV in your country but here only way to get it is downloading or buying it Online do you have any idea how much that will cost think about it if i watched Naruto,Bleach and some other animes that have many episodes and would have to buy them everytime it cost alot of money while others can see it on TV for free yes sure that is fairso easy for you to say im sure if it was you who lived in my country and couldnt see any anime you wouldnt speak like this and download it too hmmm what are those people called again Hipocrites?
If I lived in your country and couldn't see any anime, then I doubt I'd even care about downloading episodes since I would never have seen any episodes for myself and I wouldn't be able to judge whether or not I even liked the show. It sucks that you seemingly have no easy accessibility to the "Pokémon" anime, but it doesn't make what you're asking for any less illegal.
And for the record, I would buy all the "Pokémon" DVDs if I wanted them, but they don't interest me as much as they seem to interest you. You know, to the point where you're willing to bypass them entirely and not support the company. If you can buy the DVDs online (which you seem to be able to; you just don't want to pay for them), then do so. Don't complain about how you don't want to spend money, because that's just a shameful and selfish attitude indeed.
In the immortal words of Mick Jagger, "You can't always get what you want."
(Oh, and for the record, even we Americans can't watch the anime for free - Cartoon Network is a cable channel, and thus, it costs money. Guess that shoots yet another hole in your logic.)
It seems like its pointless to speak to you because you cant possibly understand how it would be because you speak so easily about it, 1. if i want to buy the dvd's online i would need a credit card and i dont have one 2. i did buy something ones online and i dont mind spending money on something i like but to buy DVD's of a anime that has over 400 episodes is a bit to much and that would just be for 1 anime. and about the part you saying you wouldnt care about downloading anime because you would never have seen you forgot people here got internet too and they see some clips or whatever of the anime and they start to like it and not everybody can keep buying every anime they want to see. ow and i think buying all the DVD's cost alot more then just paying for cable channeland paying for that is much easier then to buy DvD's from Internet with a Credit Card (that i dont have) and pay even more to just send them this way. ow and please stop using those annoying quotes