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Master Slowking

A new leader is here
this may sound stupid but I really don't understand what this is..

It might be me but can someone please tell me because I just joined afew days ago.


Prepare Yourself
If you have questions about SOMETHING post it in the right topic or PM a mod this is spam and should be deleted.

The Burnt Shadow

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)
Okay, don't want to put you down or anything, but Kaim Fabuyashi's right. You're not supposed to actually put this here. If you have a question you should ask somebody. We shouldn't even be replying to this, I think. There are several help areas you'll be able to use...


It tells you what an RPG is in the rules, so if you read them you should be okay. But this is not the place to ask, if you need help then PM a mod or post it in the RPG Cafe in the future okay. If you still find it difficult to understand after reading the rules, then ask for further help through the two choices I have given you, okay ^_^
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