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  1. Dinos

    Ash vs Leon M8 final battle real spoilers/leaks???

    This is a section for any news/leaks/spoilers about Ash VS Leon in the finals of M8
  2. Adobe123

    Popularity Research for Other Anipoke Main Characters

    "Popularity research for Satoshi Always straight to the point with anyone! Satoshi speaks his mind in a true-to-life and straightforward way, without pretention. His fastball straight words come full circle outstandingly!? Chart: Insight: 5 Boldness: 5 Predisposition for love: 0 Seriousness: 2...
  3. thedarkdragon11

    From GPICSS to SICPIG?

    Is Incineroar now the consensus 6th strongest Ash Pokémon? Or still arguable alongside Snorlax, Krookodile and possibly Lycanroc?
  4. thedarkdragon11

    Will Ash's Rowlet evolve into Dartrix/Decidueye without his Everstone?

    Without the Everstone, will Ash's Rowlet evolve into Dartrix and Decidueye given the training and battles it got since finding its Everstone (since Hau's Dartrix rematch)?
  5. thedarkdragon11

    Can Alain sweep KL Finals Ash's team using Charizard?

    He swept the entire league prior to Semi-Finals using Charizard alone... If Alain used Charizard right from the beginning of the Finals, can he sweep Ash's team?