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Does Ash...?

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Aruseus Tamer
Does Ash ever kiss any girl? Do any of the pokemon Characters change their clothes?


Yeah, ok!
For the first question no, but Latias and Melody kiss him on the cheek.

As for the second? WTF? Did you see Ash's AG and D/P clothes?

The characters change their clothes once a series.
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Aruseus Tamer
The D/P series isn't out in America.


Does Ash ever kiss any girl? Do any of the pokemon Characters change their clothes?
Satoshi got kissed by a girl in two of the movies, by Furuura in the second and Canon in the fifth.

And yes, the characters do changed their clothes. Once in AG and [SPOIL]another in D/P.[/SPOIL]


Thank you, SPPf! :)
If YoU lOoK aT oNe Of TeH aVaTaRs AsH iS kIsSiNg MiStY aNd In AnOtHeR oNe Is kIsSiNg MaY dOnT lIsTeN tO tHe ReSt Of ThEsE lYiNg n00bS

((Note to anyone who doesn't already know: This post, and all the ones after it, are nonsense. The answer given in the first response is correct. --Murgatroyd))
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Satoshi kissed Kasumi and Haruka. I saws it in the avatars section.

And have you not watched Pokemon for the past half decade or something?


If YoU lOoK aT oNe Of TeH aVaTaRs AsH iS kIsSiNg MiStY aNd In AnOtHeR oNe Is kIsSiNg MaY dOnT lIsTeN tO tHe ReSt Of ThEsE lYiNg n00bS

Which episode was it where Ash kissed May again?


Thank you, SPPf! :)
But only in the Japanese version. Stupid 4Kids cut it for the dub because they think kids can't handle romance, just like how they can't handle violence or references to Japanese culture.
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