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Help redeeming a code for my son


New Member
Hello guys, nice to meet you.

My name is Carl, I'm not really used to posting in forums but I'll give it a try.
My son (Lucas) has a Pokémon Sword cartridge and he needs help with some trading.
He's 13yo so I'll try to help him with this.

We received a code some time ago for two "shiny" Pokémons, but he was only able to redeem one of them.
His favorite Pokémon is Zacian, and sadly, this is the one he could get.

Can somebody help me with this?
We have spare codes, so we can hand some of them if anyone wants to help.

If I need provide you with more info, I'll be happy to do so.

Anyway, thanks in advance if anyone can help us!


Shedinja Trainer
I tried to help someone a while back with this issue. I played a new Shield file on my second Switch to the point when I could access Mystery Gift. When I tried to get back to him, he never replied.

Anyway, my point is if you still need help, and the code hasn’t expired, I can easily help you anytime, as I’m completely ready.