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  1. matt0044

    Pokemon Heroes: The Black & White Chapter 2 - Forest For The Trees

    Sequel to: https://forums.serebii.net/threads/pokemon-heroes-the-black-white-chapter-one-all-ages.733100/ Chapter 1: Scare In The Air ['Wouldn't miss it for the world' I said,] Pidove bemoaned to himself with every frantic flap of his wings. ['Even I'd never forget it,' I said!] The Tiny...
  2. Queen Cynthia

    Most epic moment in the Pokemon Anime

    What was your most epic moment in the Pokemon Anime? --- My most epic moment was in the PWC battle between Cynthia and Iris when Garchomp entered the battlefield and that super epic, monumental orchestral music started playing. It's still giving me the chills whenever I think about it. You'd...
  3. P

    Magical Pokemon Journey - English version of manga lost to time.

    Magical Pokemon Journey was the Shoujo take on the Pokemon series - a solely unique (and adorable) Pokemon manga about the smaller things, that's sadly lost to time and abandoned. It's a massive shame and something I'd strongly like to see change. Some more information on this manga...
  4. K

    Should there be a Redub of Ash’s Kanto Saga?

    It might get rejected, but does anyone think Ash’s adventures in Kanto (Not the Battle Frontier in Kanto) have a redub, like Dragon Ball Z and Sailor Moon Did?
  5. K

    If Satoshi/Ash got Eevee for first Pokémon in alt. Anime?

    Hey, there. Does anyone think there should be an alternate anime where Ash received an Eevee as his first Pokemon? but, only in Kanto.
  6. L

    The How Much Japanese OST/BGM/Tracks Were/Are Kept in the Pokemon English Dub Thread (**In Episodes Itself**)

    A link I'm re-posting from Bulbagarden Forums, as it's for everyone's purview: this is only the Anime dub Seasonal averages listed below, as the document consists of the Films etc. as well in the English run. Pokemon English Dub Over the Years: How Much Japanese Music was Kept in Main Series...
  7. G

    Do you guys still remember GBA and Pokemon!

    GBA (Gameboy Advanced) is one of my all-time favorites. I still remember playing Pokemon on GBA I wonder if it’s the same as the GBC version of if there are differences. I played the first two games on GBA and they were really good turn based games.
  8. Mickmon95

    [SU]The Legend of Sparx[SU][R] - [CLOSED]

    The Legend of Sparx: Plot: The legend of Sparx dates back thousands of years in what we now know as the Orre region. This island floated over a luscious and bountiful valley full of flowers that is now nothing but sand. Sparx was home to many people and Pokémon who lived side by side as...
  9. Pokeshipper_

    Favorite Ash gym battle in Sinnoh

    Hi there! I want to finish these polls before Ash ends his journey at the end of March, so let's do this poll about your favorite Ash gym battle in Sinnoh. Although there are very good Ash battles in Sinnoh, I'm voting Maylene's gym battle because the battle was good (Lucario vs Buizel was...
  10. Pokeshipper_

    Favorite Ash gym battle in Hoenn

    After favorite Ash gym battle in Kanto and favorite Ash gym battle in Johto, I'm opening the poll for favorite Ash gym battle in Hoenn. I know these gym battles polls are not very well received, since there are very few messages in the previous polls, but @PokemonBattleFanatic- threatened me to...
  11. Pokeshipper_

    Favorite Ash gym battle in Johto

    After the poll for favorite Ash gym battle in Kanto (keep voting and comment also there, since it has few votes and comments yet) there's the poll for Ash gym battles in Johto. Have fun, vote and comment!
  12. 0

    Is this a legit website to buy Shiny Pokémon?

    Hello guys, I have read a good review about this website, can someone bought Pokémon's or Shiny Pokémon's or any items from this website can confirm This website: shiny4u.com Thank you
  13. Pokeshipper_

    Favorite Ash gym battle in Kanto

    Hi everyone! Since Ash's journeys is coming to an end, I thought to open a thread to vote our favorite Ash gym battles in Kanto. Then, we could open other threads to vote our favorites gym battles in the other regions. I hope you like this idea!
  14. P

    Under a Fuchsia Sky - Pokemon Dystopia

    Just trying to put the word out there, I think this story is really interesting: Set 25 years after the great war, a brutal conflict instigated by a Pokemon known now as The High Chancellor, which pit near all Pokemon kind against humanity, Under A Fuchsia Sky shows us a world controlled by...
  15. V

    We lost Quaxly Gang!

    Unfortunately we not only got the worst water start in gen 9, but also the worst water starter of all time. Why can’t we have nice things? Not even birds are safe from being humanoid. We’ll win some other year F
  16. vondecayle

    Favorite pokemon contest rival?

    Who is your favorite contest rival and why?
  17. N


    Hello y'all! I have some codes for those of you wanting a mythical Pokemon. But in order to earn them you have to solve a riddle. The answers are... Pokemon. Just try and solve what Pokemon it is and if you do, be the first to post the answer and if right, I will let you know and then Directly...
  18. Adobe123


    I don't usually do this, but please help defend the XY anime. https://boards.4channel.org/vp/thread/51585488 I can't believe I had to pull what Scott does.
  19. D

    Looking for some fans to talk about the good ol' days

    Hey! Not sure if this is the right place for it, but I'd really like to make some new friends who grew up around the same era as me with Pokémon, preferably someone who loves the First and Second generation era. I've had a really nice time reconnecting with a lot of very old friends recently...
  20. DarkusHeracross

    Who will be the Spiritomb/Drapion of Leon vs Ash if Ash beats Cynthia?

    The Spirtiomb/Drapion is a mon newcomer, Drapion was 1st seen in that league match, Spirtitomb was also 1st seen here, its also not seen in the anime often or uses in battles like Drapion. It adds to the element of suprise of what the mon will do. Or will it just be Rillaboom again? If Ash...