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Help with trading.


Interrupted scientist
I need some help completing my pokedex for lets go pikachu, requiring the eevee exclusives and some touch trading of the trade only evos. I can return the favour with pikachu exclusives. No special requirements and I'm not fussed about getting alolan forms. Thanks! :)
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Well-Known Member
I need some help completing my pokedex for lets go pikachu, requiring the eevee exclusives and some touch trading of the trade only evos. I can return the favour with pikachu exclusives. No special requirements and I'm not fussed about getting alolan forms. Thanks! :)
I can help you out, let me know when you can trade.


Well-Known Member
hi Ghost, i just need Pinsir if you could help me out, i have all other pokemon and can trade a scyther for it
Got you covered. Do you have Mew by any chance? Would just want to touch trade for the Pokedex entry, otherwise a Sandshrew would be good.


Well-Known Member
hi thats great, thank you! i dont have a mew unfortunately, i have a sandshrew though!
Awesome, Pinsir for Sandshrew then. Are you able to trade now?