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sceptile terminator

Well-Known Member
Today i was on pokesho then i saw a pic of may in emerald clothes, harley, Drew with rozereido and a girl who won the grand contest in kanto and the girl with perap, all with johto starters. Get may her new episode?
here is a linkhttp://www.pokesho.com/home


Oooh, is it?
Today i was on pokesho then i saw a pic of may in emerald clothes, harley, Drew with rozereido and a girl who won the grand contest in kanto and the girl with perap, all with johto starters. Get may her new episode?
here is a linkhttp://www.pokesho.com/home
And what is your point? Plus that question makes no sense whatsoever.


Fire Trainer Darren
yh looks like ur right may with a chikorita, harley with totodile. gold/silver series to show mays adventures in johto. kl
Lol, I have to count how many times I've seen this thread.

Holy crap now, xD How can't someone tell thats fanart? Its great like the real thing, but it looks totally different from the original.


So hot he's on fire.
Today i was on pokesho then i saw a pic of may in emerald clothes, harley, Drew with rozereido and a girl who won the grand contest in kanto and the girl with perap, all with johto starters. Get may her new episode?
here is a linkhttp://www.pokesho.com/home

....shut up now :> Srsly.

...we need to add something about Pokesho to the FAQs so all the BLOODY IDIOTS can shut the hell up. Jesus flipping Christ.


Thank you, SPPf! :)
It's not bloody fair. I try my very best to take advantage of the stupid whenever possible, yet Pokesho is somehow able to do it effortlessly time and again.

Back to working on my doomsday device, I suppose.


Is Back Finally!
k agreed if another person creates a thread like this i will have to shot myself no actually shot the person that made the stupid thread again and then shot myself. ITS FANART


It's good to b back!
With emerald clothes?
yes i think so
But her eevee evolved in mmmmm... i don't know, maybe an epseon ;196;(after saw lilian's) or a glacia ;471;(in engish it'll be glaceon or iceon)
and drew may have a rozeirudo;407;,
harley may die by AIDS ;332;
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