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The Compromise
A little random and miserable poem I wrote on the spur of the moment. XD



Scarlet seeping into the clogging mud
Booms shattering the silence
You can’t get something from nothing, they said
Fighting is the only answer

Flash – the heavens scream
Tears fall freely from their choked shrouds
Mingling with the scarlet floods
Until there is nothing

You can’t get something from nothing, they said.
But nothing is… everything.
What is life but nothing?
From dawn to sunset
We lay, forgotten
Sand slips through the neck of time

You can’t get something from nothing, true
But you can get nothing from nothing

And nothing is us.
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Brian Random

I got confused at first because I found it weird and I found it hard to picture the scene (that’s poetry for ya). But after some time thinking, I got the picture. This is about some guy on the verge of death after some heated battle, yes?

After some careful reading and picturing… it was pretty good. I’m not the best person to review poems but whatcha gonna do? ^^ Another good thing is that this poem reminded me of a song. Does Monty Python’s ‘Bright Side of Life’ mean anything to you?

Anyways, pretty good poem.


be creative
Beautiful. I liked it in other words. XD I love how you have put it. It makes you think. :)

My only little niggle is you put "slips" through the neck of time. It fits, but I'd maybe change it to "slipped". Makes you think of them as the grains of sand, atleast that's how I read it. :)


The Compromise
XD I love that song. *starts humming it*

Yeppers, that's just about it. I think the war in question was the first world war, 'cause I found myself thinking about poppy fields in the middle of it. XD 'Tis very confusing. I wasn't really thinking about the point when I was writing it, I just wrote what came to mind. XD And I came up with this!

I wrote it after reading a poem... Your poem, actually. XD I just felt inspired and came up with this.

'Tis odd how that works...

Edit: Eju! You posted while I was writing this...

XD Thanks! I'm glad ya liked it. ^.^

On the slipped note... I'll consider it. =D