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Shiny Bashamo

Isn't it cute ^^
I just beated the E4 and I'm standing for the pokéball wich contains Beldum, I was just wanted to know what a good nature for Metagross is.

Any help will be appriciated


Edit: YAY Rank up!


Completing The Trio
^ yes i know it does its just that why make a new thread on a question that can be easily answered if you just spend one miute looking through the main site


Well-Known Member
Adamant is the best one since Metagross is an Attacker

The Mighty Wurmple

Well-Known Member
Go for Adamant if it has all-physical attacks, although there is a moveset which uses Ice Punch, so Brave would be good there.


I am the game



you should have treid for a shny beldum thats what id id got a modest one though which isnt horrid just gave it pshychic kicks *****


Active Member
can you breed beldum / metagross because on the main site it says you can with ditto. But when i try it never seems to work..is there anything i am doing wrong?


True to that. But for nature, I say adamant. Or hardy if you want to teach it psychic.