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New Member
Hello there.

So basically, I've been wanting to play through Pokemon Shield with a Frosmoth on my team, specifically one with its hidden ability of Ice Scales so I set out to find one in the Wild Area for the last three days, unfortunately to no avail. So I have decided that I should get a move on in the story so I decided to come here and ask if anyone is willing to trade me a female unnamed Snom (or a Frosmoth) with Ice Scales. Why female and unnamed specifically? It's because I have a nickname in mind for it. The IVs and EVs are of no concern to me.

I have two Sobbles, a jolly Eiscue, a few Dreepys, a Mimikyu, Slush Rush Cubchoo, Skill Link Shellder with Aqua Ring, Tinted Lens G-max Butterfree, Mirror Armor Corviknight, and Screen Cleaner Mr. Rime that I am willing to trade away for one. (Note that I did not breed these and received them from surprise trades or raids)

Thanks in advance and have a good day.


Well-Known Member
Hello there.

So basically, I've been wanting to play through Pokemon Shield with a Frosmoth on my team, specifically one with its hidden ability of Ice Scales so I set out to find one in the Wild Area for the last three days, unfortunately to no avail. So I have decided that I should get a move on in the story so I decided to come here and ask if anyone is willing to trade me a female unnamed Snom (or a Frosmoth) with Ice Scales. Why female and unnamed specifically? It's because I have a nickname in mind for it. The IVs and EVs are of no concern to me.

I have two Sobbles, a jolly Eiscue, a few Dreepys, a Mimikyu, Slush Rush Cubchoo, Skill Link Shellder with Aqua Ring, Tinted Lens G-max Butterfree, Mirror Armor Corviknight, and Screen Cleaner Mr. Rime that I am willing to trade away for one. (Note that I did not breed these and received them from surprise trades or raids)

Thanks in advance and have a good day.
Welcome to Serebii. I’ll hook you up with the Snom you requested free of charge. The only concern is if you want to nickname it you won’t be able to once its traded to you, so do you want me to give it a nickname for you?


New Member
Welcome to Serebii. I’ll hook you up with the Snom you requested free of charge. The only concern is if you want to nickname it you won’t be able to once its traded to you, so do you want me to give it a nickname for you?

That'd be great, thanks. If you could nickname it Mashiro, that'd be appreciated.