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Mega Evolutions Thread

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A little more human
So a couple of quick questions.
1) How many mega stones have been found but not the Pokemon??
2) How many mega's will there be altogether???

1) I don't know
2) We can't know for sure yet because more might be available after national (assuming that their stones aren't discoverable until after you get the national)


Druddigon, Galvantula and Arcanine stones have supposedly been found, but there isn't any solid proof as far as I know. It's also likely that Chandelure and Scizor have megas.

We don't know the number yet.

Don't forget Manectric, also I heard that a Raichu Mega Stone has supposedly been found.


Well-Known Member
I have to say, I'm slightly disappointed with Mega Gardevoir's looks. I guess I was expecting something angelic; but apparently Takaru hit its basis right on the nose. Well played. XD

But it's not the fact that she's "girly" that doesn't resonate with me though--in fact, that why I like it so much...I just feel as if they could have done more than just slap a ballroom/wedding gown with some gloves on her (not to mention those awkward-looking chest spikes).

Definitely not a dealbreaker though; since I've been lobbying for Megavoir forever and I sure as hell got it. I'm sure her new stats are going to be something to behold...as long as they don't remove her Fairy typing like they did Gengar's Poison (an obvious tactic to pamper up Fairys this Gen).

Hope she gets a boost in speed. Not a lot of fast Fairy types going around. Also, I hope someone discovers the location of Gardevoirnite soon.

I Like Pie!

Smile smile smile!
Idk if this has been covered, but MegaAmpharos has some RIDICULOUS Sp Atk. . .
At minimum, it is base 145. And his defenses about 95 each. . .


But the Speed stat seems to be lower than before now.

I don't really see Mega Ampharos getting more use over Mega Lucario/ Mewtwo/ Blaziken, who are rumored to have better offensive stats and speed.


Active Member
Just for nostalgia's sake, Pikachu and/or Raichu should have a mega form... I would love to see what that would look like!


Queen of Charizards!
Gardevoir's mega evo is meh, just think they just fattened her dress /:


I'm only new to the forum, and I have tried going back through preview pages to try and not ask a silly question, but has there been any word on a Mega Porygon-Z? I know there was that poster image that came out a while ago which was thought to be a list of Mega Evolutions, but I've also seen a list of Megas which didn't line up with that.

Trainer Yusuf

I'm only new to the forum, and I have tried going back through preview pages to try and not ask a silly question, but has there been any word on a Mega Porygon-Z? I know there was that poster image that came out a while ago which was thought to be a list of Mega Evolutions, but I've also seen a list of Megas which didn't line up with that.

No, nobody has seen Mega Porygon-Z or its Mega Stone, let alone Porygon in X/Y.


I'm only new to the forum, and I have tried going back through preview pages to try and not ask a silly question, but has there been any word on a Mega Porygon-Z? I know there was that poster image that came out a while ago which was thought to be a list of Mega Evolutions, but I've also seen a list of Megas which didn't line up with that.
If it's the poster I think you're talking about, it was proven fake a long time ago.

There's been nothing even hinting towards Mega!Porygon-Z. I don't think Porygon-Z is on the list of trademarked names either although just because it isn't trademarked doesn't mean it won't have a Mega.



I'm going to take that as a fairly poor sign for a Mega Evo for it then. Cheers.


Pokecollection Maste
What is our List of Mega Evolutions at right now by the way?


Well-Known Member
Which mega evolution pokemon do you guys think is the strongest?


Well-Known Member
What is our List of Mega Evolutions at right now by the way?

Charizard (two)
Mewtwo (two)

Also, several others are rumored but not confirmed (Galvantula and Druddigon I think).


Well-Known Member
Is there still a chance latios and latias will get a megaevolution and appear in pokemon x and y? I am figuring since they were trademarked.
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