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  1. matt0044

    Pokemon Heroes: The Black & White Chapter 2 - Forest For The Trees

    Sequel to: https://forums.serebii.net/threads/pokemon-heroes-the-black-white-chapter-one-all-ages.733100/ Chapter 1: Scare In The Air ['Wouldn't miss it for the world' I said,] Pidove bemoaned to himself with every frantic flap of his wings. ['Even I'd never forget it,' I said!] The Tiny...
  2. ImBeVillain

    BW - XY - SM - JN Series rewrite in my mind.

    I will start by writing that I would like to present my rewrite how they would look better only in my opinion. And I'd love to hear your opinions on what you think I wrote about my ideas for the previous four series as a whole. Let's start with Ash completely losing to Tobias in the semi-finals...
  3. Pokeshipper_

    Favorite Ash gym battle in Unova

    Here we are, finally, the poll about your favorite gym battle in Unova! I just voted for Skyla because of the storyline and I loved how Cilan battled her to defend his thoughts on gym leaders and battles, sadly he lost, but it was clear since Ash had to win against her and change her mind, not...
  4. matt0044

    Pokemon Heroes: The Black & White Chapter (All Ages)

    Pokemon and Trainer alike start their story off on a rough patch. Things can only go up from here... hopefully. Chapter 1: The Start of Something Big Despite his best efforts, Oshawott felt pins and needles all over when he stepped forward from Professor Aurea Juniper and onto the...
  5. Vindicated30.6

    Newbie pencil art

    I'm not new to the forums, but I'm new to the fan art forum (and drawing in general). Hope I do this right! https://www.dropbox.com/s/0epsa792hyxc6c2/IMG_20220420_194652.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/c620zpw17ce38o3/IMG_20220420_194707.jpg?dl=0...
  6. V

    Most popular starters list!

    These are my guesses for the most popular starters for each region! Did I get any wrong? Link for the image that features the starters:
  7. Ohshi

    Which set can be considered as the Unova themed one during the Sun and Moon era?

    It always bothered me that Unova/Gen 5 didn’t have a set which focused on that region/Gen. All the other gens got represented like this: Ultra Prism - Gen 4 Forbidden Light - Gen 6 Celestial Storm - Gen 3 Lost Thunder - Gen 2 Team Up - Gen 1 So do you think there was a set that Unova...
  8. Mythical-Moonlight

    Was this Ash's Worst Team yet?

    It seems out of all the Teams Ash has had over the years this one gets the most criticism in general. I've seen complaints about how Ash had way too many Pokémon. And how there was wasted potential in some of the Pokemon (Snivy, Scraggy, Oshawott, etc...) Was is really that bad? If you think...
  9. A

    How would you rank the generations music-wise??

    Hi all! So I’m planning on making a YouTube video where I rank each generation of Pokémon main series games (1-8) on their overall music, including the standout themes from each generation in the video. With that, I want to get all of your opinions! How would you rank the Pokemon games by the...
  10. Lord Godwin

    If Unova, Kalos and Alola Elite Four were done the classic way...

    So basically if tge Elite Four in Unova, Kalos and Alola (both versions) were done linear as Kantor/Johto, Hoenn and Sinnoh what do you think would be the order assuming they were from weakest to stronger member each? Just to remind: Unova: Shauntel Grimsley Caitlin Marshal Kalos: Wilkstrom...
  11. Ethan Mantooth

    Ash's best team

    I personally think Ash's Sinnoh team is the best Kalos is a close 2nd I just think his Sinnoh Team is better all around yes I know Greninja is super good but besides him Kalos team is good at best
  12. Storm the Lycanroc

    Generation 5 Remakes Discussion/Speculation

    As of writing this in 2019 the latest Pokemon games going to be released are Sword & Shield. A remake for Diamond & Pearl hasn't been announced but will most likely come at some point. I know a remake for Black & White isn't likely for a couple more years but I'd like to at least discuss what a...
  13. seth forte

    If Reshiram had a gender what do you think it would be

    i made a post like this in miscellaneous discussion but some one said to put it in general. Anyways what gender do you think Reshiram would have? Ken Suigimori said in an interview that Reshiram was given lady like features, so i think its a girl Source...
  14. seth forte

    If Reshiram had a gender what do you think it would be?

    There seems to be a mix, but i've heard that "Ken Sugimori said that Reshiram was intentionally given a more "ladylike" look to contrast with the masculine-looking Zekrom." with a link that went to http://pokemonblackandwhite.net/?p=1641 that doesn't seem to work anymore.so what do you think...
  15. Scepty26

    A Dance of Ice, Fire, and Lightning

    I hope you all enjoy the first chapter of my story. This series is going to be relatively long with around 20+ chapters. There is going to be some swearing and violence (especially in the later chapters). This chapter has very few cuss words and no violence so it should be fine for all ages. I...
  16. kacklord

    Mongrels in Castelia

    Author's Note hi there. i'm kacklord, though if you know me at all you probably know me as qva from the discord. i'm pretty fresh to this whole fanfic scene and in fact have never done anything serial at all before, so this is a totally new experience to me. i had the idea for this in the...
  17. NovaBrunswick

    Which Striaton brother did you battle?

    Striaton City Gym had three siblings as Gym Leaders: the Grass-type brother Cilan, the Fire-type brother Chili, and the Water-type brother Cress. Which brother you fought depended on your starter - so if you chose Snivy you'd fight Chili, if you chose Tepig you'd fight Cress, and if you chose...